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Speech Impairments

Stuttering & Stammering & Speech Disorder & Fluency Disorder
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Non-Stutterer's View 123
09-06-2022 22:42
68 34.1K
S&S&SD Charter / Links / Resources *READ BEFORE POSTING*
28-11-2007 23:32
5 12.4K
Events & Self-Help Groups Information [Post Your Event Here] 12
21-10-2008 15:32
57 22.9K
Speech and Language Therapy survey.
19-10-2023 14:19
1 63
Adult Stammering Course
14-06-2023 14:23
14 3.6K
Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy
13-09-2021 17:02
0 33
Speech difficulties post treatment
27-07-2021 09:23
4 76
Mild adult cases
31-08-2019 20:16
0 368
Speech therapy for Adults.
01-09-2018 14:28
1 523
Forced to write right handed & stammer!
21-01-2019 01:16
0 454
Lip tie
24-02-2018 12:37
0 335
Looking for advice on how to help my brother.
30-07-2017 10:40
0 473
Is Stammering Anxiety Driven?
09-10-2012 06:55
19 7.4K
Selective Mutism 12
27-10-2008 21:19
31 10.3K
Speech Therapist for stammer
21-09-2012 17:18
6 3.3K
Help needed to overcome my stutter
10-10-2014 04:32
9 3.5K
Speech&Language therapy first assessment
13-04-2016 10:21
5 838
famous people who overcame stuttering
28-07-2014 00:45
5 2.2K
Dreading School for my Child
14-08-2015 18:43
10 1.7K
Toddler's SALT recommendation in North Dublin
29-07-2015 14:01
0 954
How to stop thinking about stuttering?
29-08-2014 11:41
2 1.8K
Ex stutterer
13-11-2014 02:40
2 1.3K
Aphasia workbook - online?
02-09-2014 12:07
2 1.8K
Trouble reading and writing @34
31-03-2015 11:14
4 1.4K
Forcing "right/correct handedness" can cause a stammer.
03-03-2015 18:50
3 1.3K
HappySpeaking - New Social Media Initiative
15-02-2015 14:33
0 868
Good talker but I have a lisp
13-11-2014 00:31
11 1.8K
Remove a vocal mannerism
22-11-2014 19:09
0 896
Difficulty Expressing Thoughts
23-09-2014 23:25
1 1.2K
I speak clearly with my friends,but not my parents.
16-09-2014 22:39
1 1.1K
30-08-2013 12:01
3 2.7K
[Poll] Are you left or right handed?
24-05-2013 00:27
1 2.2K
Great programme!
13-11-2013 07:49
1 1.6K