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UPC Thomson TWG-870U & Technicolor TC7200 - Enabling "Cable modem" mode - basic guide



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 50 ✭✭genek

    found the OID with with Windows guide 2 (thanks to Jonathanpbk) very easily on tc 7200 but not have enough guts to change the value from 2 to 1 :D
    below screenshot of MIB Browser

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    genek wrote: »
    found the OID with with Windows guide 2 (thanks to Jonathanpbk) very easily on tc 7200 but not have enough guts to change the value from 2 to 1 :D
    below screenshot of MIB Browser

    So, has anyone had the guts to try this on their Technicolor? :) I'd do it if I had one but I'm holding off on upgrading until I know this works.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 50 ✭✭genek

    Karsini wrote: »
    So, has anyone had the guts to try this on their Technicolor? :) I'd do it if I had one but I'm holding off on upgrading until I know this works.

    Got the guts :D today works as a charm.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 112 ✭✭j0ey2069

    Thanks for this. Working 100%! Now I have my Asus RT-N16 with Tomato USB working 100% with WAN IP and everything working.

    Used Linux command from Kubuntu.

    Did have an issue with the Asus picking up the WAN IP via DHCP though, but I followed this procedure I found on a OpenWRT support page:
    1 - Unplug both UPC router and your other router.
    2 - Unplug the coaxial cable from the UPC router for 30 seconds - this is important.
    3 - Plug the coaxial cable back in and power on the UPC cable modem.
    4 - Wait until all lights are on - modem connected, online, etc.
    5 - Plug in your other router.

    Your other router should have picked up the WAN IP now.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    The reason for this is that most cable modems will only issue a public IP to one device, so you have to reboot the modem for it to issue the address to another device.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 388 ✭✭alanbk

    DECEiFER wrote: »
    Brilliant find! I hope it does work on the TC2700 also because that will make a lot of people's day.

    Hi all. Will this work on the thomson tc7200. Really need to get this piece of crap into modem only mode. Thanks.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,709 ✭✭✭wiz569

    alanbk wrote: »
    Hi all. Will this work on the thomson tc7200. Really need to get this piece of crap into modem only mode. Thanks.

    Yes m8,check here :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 388 ✭✭alanbk

    docentore wrote: »

    I spent hours looking for solution to change Thomson TWG870U to cable modem mode.
    I tried the html code injection based on great guide by DECEiFER, but without success.

    I finally have managed to achieve this by changing value in MIB table. Here is how to: (use network cable connected directly to Thomson router, don't do this over WiFi)

    Windows guide 1 (original one that worked for me)
    1. Download application capable of MIB editing (I have used CM watch (client) - nice cable modem monitoring tool, can be downloaded here)

    2. Download Net-SMP from here.

    3. Make sure you set up your CM Watch correctly:
    * Host - this is your router
    * Leave community settings at public.
    * we don't need (and we don't know) CMTS IP address.
    * path to NET-SNMP installation.



    4. Make sure you disable firewall on both your PC and router, disable any antyvirus software you have. Also enable 'Remote Config Management' on the Thomson



    Once I've done all steps above I could see some info from the mode.

    5. Select 'Set OID' from the icon bar.


    6. Change following key:
    from 2 to 1
    Type: Integer
    Use bottom part of the 'Set OID' window. When ready just click 'Set'


    7. Router should restart itself and change mode from 'Cable Home' to 'Cable Modem. That's it!

    My Open-WRT have public IP now (on the picture below it is my pc to show the method working), speeds are a bit better but ping was greatly improved. Phone still works.

    Windows guide 2 (thanks to Jonathanpbk)

    Linux / Unix / Mac OS X guide (thanks to drabisan)

    Note 1:
    Modem settings can be reverted to default by doing factory reset - just hold the reset button at the back of the modem for > 30 seconds
    Note 2:
    Router can be accessed under:

    Sorry. I am a little confused here. If I follow windows option 2 above in OP, will that set the TC7200 to modem only mode? Will that mean that I can use a better Wireless modem Router to assign IP's etc ?. Thanks for all the good work Guys.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    alanbk wrote: »
    Sorry. I am a little confused here. If I follow windows option 2 above in OP, will that set the TC7200 to modem only mode? Will that mean that I can use a better Wireless modem Router to assign IP's etc ?. Thanks for all the good work Guys.
    Exactly. A couple of posters on here have done this with the TC7200 and it works just fine. I'm getting a new modem next week, probably a TC7200, and this is the first thing I'll try on it.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 388 ✭✭alanbk

    I am going to try windows option 2 later this week. Will i be running an Ethernet cable from the LAN port of the TC 7200 to the WAN port of a wireless modem router ? And, can anyone recommend a good and reliable Wireless modem router suitable for this task ??As usual, thanks everyone.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 73 ✭✭Asm

    I just noticed when I log onto my Thomson modem ( and click on "Event Log" I see a lot of warnings. Some are like "Incorrect OID" and something about DHCP. The Thomson is working great just as a modem but I'm worried UPC won't like it. Is anyone else getting these warnings? Are they OK? Can I just ignore them?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 73 ✭✭Asm

    alanbk wrote: »
    I am going to try windows option 2 later this week. Will i be running an Ethernet cable from the LAN port of the TC 7200 to the WAN port of a wireless modem router ? And, can anyone recommend a good and reliable Wireless modem router suitable for this task ??As usual, thanks everyone.

    I recommend the Asus RT-N66U (Amazon link). It's a very nice router.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Asm wrote: »
    I just noticed when I log onto my Thomson modem ( and click on "Event Log" I see a lot of warnings. Some are like "Incorrect OID" and something about DHCP. The Thomson is working great just as a modem but I'm worried UPC won't like it. Is anyone else getting these warnings? Are they OK? Can I just ignore them?

    You can ignore these. Standard DOCSIS messages that I'd see on anything.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 73 ✭✭Asm

    Karsini wrote: »
    You can ignore these. Standard DOCSIS messages that I'd see on anything.
    Ah, good.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 413 ✭✭Skittle

    Does anyone know how to undo this if you make the change to turn it into a modem only?

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Skittle wrote: »
    Does anyone know how to undo this if you make the change to turn it into a modem only?

    Use the reset button on the back of the modem.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,582 ✭✭✭docentore

    Asm wrote: »
    I just noticed when I log onto my Thomson modem ( and click on "Event Log" I see a lot of warnings. Some are like "Incorrect OID" and something about DHCP. The Thomson is working great just as a modem but I'm worried UPC won't like it. Is anyone else getting these warnings? Are they OK? Can I just ignore them?


    Exactly what Karsini said. I've seen those long before setting Thomson to bridge mode.

  • Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 12,450 Mod ✭✭✭✭dub45

    Its incredible the bother UPC force on their customers for something that should just "be there" particularly given virtually everyone's requirement nowadays for good wifi service over a wide area.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,890 ✭✭✭cgarvey

    dub45 wrote: »
    Its incredible the bother UPC

    Agreed (and with most of your anti-UPC points), but can you ease up on the crusade, especially in this thread (you've posted the same thing twice, and it adds nothing to the discussion)?

    I still haven't been able to try this out (the key doesn't exist on my modem with the earlier firmware). Resetting the modem unfortunately doesn't force an update.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 388 ✭✭alanbk

    I have reset the Technicolor 7200 U Modem Router to Modem only mode. This is where I get mixed up:):) I am going to connect a Wireless Router to it tomorrow. When I have that done, I will be connecting a server by wired connection etc. I will then be connecting Home Plugs and enabling the wireless on the new router.My question is. When I reset the modem/router from UPC, it got an IP addy of 89.**.**.**. When I connect it to the WAN of the new router, what happens ? Does the new router become my LAN ? Really need help as I don't think I know what I'm doing and I have bricked the UPC Router !!! :D

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,709 ✭✭✭wiz569

    alanbk wrote: »
    I have reset the Technicolor 7200 U Modem Router to Modem only mode. This is where I get mixed up:):) I am going to connect a Wireless Router to it tomorrow. When I have that done, I will be connecting a server by wired connection etc. I will then be connecting Home Plugs and enabling the wireless on the new router.My question is. When I reset the modem/router from UPC, it got an IP addy of 89.**.**.**. When I connect it to the WAN of the new router, what happens ? Does the new router become my LAN ? Really need help as I don't think I know what I'm doing and I have bricked the UPC Router !!! :D

    The new router will become your LAN,so to speak,

    The TC7200 is now just a modem,the fact you managed to get a public IP address means it worked ;)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 388 ✭✭alanbk

    wiz569 wrote: »
    The new router will become your LAN,so to speak,

    The TC7200 is now just a modem,the fact you managed to get a public IP address means it worked ;)
    OK Thanks. :I'll mess around with it tomorrow and see how I get on.:D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 388 ✭✭alanbk

    I deffo need to do a course on Networking !!!! What a pain in the ar**

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 413 ✭✭Skittle

    I've tried both Windows methods to connect to the router and neither of them work. I've enabled remote management and turned off the firewall and put my anti-virus into "game mode" and none of the apps will connect to the router.

    What am I missing here?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 388 ✭✭alanbk

    Which router are you trying to connect to ?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 388 ✭✭alanbk

    Finally got it all working. Set the Technicolor router as a modem only and am now using my Asus wireless router to manage my connections. Much better wireless coverage than supplied UPC router, Happy Days. Just another note. Once you set the UPC router as a modem only, you cannot undo it. Resetting will not restore it to it's factory reset but back to the modem only status. Just to be aware folks.:)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,582 ✭✭✭docentore

    alanbk wrote: »
    Finally got it all working. Set the Technicolor router as a modem only and am now using my Asus wireless router to manage my connections. Much better wireless coverage than supplied UPC router, Happy Days. Just another note. Once you set the UPC router as a modem only, you cannot undo it. Resetting will not restore it to it's factory reset but back to the modem only status. Just to be aware folks.:)

    Good to know that it worked for you.

    Re going back to default settings - have you tried pressing the reset button at the back for more than 30 seconds? This should reset it back to modem/router.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 388 ✭✭alanbk

    docentore wrote: »
    Good to know that it worked for you.

    Re going back to default settings - have you tried pressing the reset button at the back for more than 30 seconds? This should reset it back to modem/router.
    Didn't actually hold it for 30 secs tbh. Did hold it until it reset and it booted up as modem only!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,709 ✭✭✭wiz569

    alanbk wrote: »
    Didn't actually hold it for 30 secs tbh. Did hold it until it reset and it booted up as modem only!

    Dont suppose you fancy trying the 30 second theory m8?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    wiz569 wrote: »
    Dont suppose you fancy trying the 30 second theory m8?

    I'll be getting one of these modems in the next few days. Am not one bit shy about trying this stuff so I will if nobody else does. :pac:

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,709 ✭✭✭wiz569

    Karsini wrote: »
    I'll be getting one of these modems in the next few days. Am not one bit shy about trying this stuff so I will if nobody else does. :pac:

    Cheers m8,still waiting on the right opportunity to put my TC7200 into modem mode,but with 4 people using the net its a bit tricky lol

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 388 ✭✭alanbk

    wiz569 wrote: »
    Cheers m8,still waiting on the right opportunity to put my TC7200 into modem mode,but with 4 people using the net its a bit tricky lol

    I'm all set up now but am pretty sure you are stuck in modem only mode even after 30 sec restart. Problem is, you cannot access the MIBS to change back the integer because the routers firewall blocks access, and you cannot access the routers admin page to disable the firewall !! I could stand to be corrected though !!;)

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    alanbk wrote: »
    I'm all set up now but am pretty sure you are stuck in modem only mode even after 30 sec restart. Problem is, you cannot access the MIBS to change back the integer because the routers firewall blocks access, and you cannot access the routers admin page to disable the firewall !! I could stand to be corrected though !!;)

    Can you access the TC7200 via in modem only mode? If you can't, then you might be able to access it if you boot up the modem with the co-ax cable disconnected.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 388 ✭✭alanbk

    You can access the modem at but you only have access to Basic and Wireless. All the other Tabs result in you being disconnected !!! Therefor you cannot access the firewall to turn it off.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    The firewall shouldn't be on because the device is bridged. It has no WAN IP to shield.

    UPC do disable SNMP on the WAN side when the modem syncs up, so that might explain why you can't access the MIB table, but you might be able to access it if you boot the modem with the cable disconnected.

    Sure, I'll check it myself when I get my own one. :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 388 ✭✭alanbk

    Karsini wrote: »
    The firewall shouldn't be on because the device is bridged. It has no WAN IP to shield.

    UPC do disable SNMP on the WAN side when the modem syncs up, so that might explain why you can't access the MIB table, but you might be able to access it if you boot the modem with the cable disconnected.

    Sure, I'll check it myself when I get my own one. :)
    I'm only assuming its the routers firewall stopping you accessing the MIBs table. Could be as you say, disconnecting the UPC cable and rebooting might be the trick. BTW Is there a trick to unscrewing the UPC cable as I had a hard job trying to disconnect it ?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    There's no trick to it but it's usually tightened very well, such as with a small spanner or pliers. So you may not be able to unscrew it by hand.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 413 ✭✭Skittle

    alanbk wrote: »
    Which router are you trying to connect to ?
    I'm trying to connect to TWG-870 as per the thread title.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 388 ✭✭alanbk

    Skittle wrote: »
    I'm trying to connect to TWG-870 as per the thread title.

    Not familiar with that router but I think if you follow the first post you'll be grand.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 413 ✭✭Skittle

    alanbk wrote: »
    Not familiar with that router but I think if you follow the first post you'll be grand.

    I did try to follow the first post and I couldn't get connected using the apps mentioned, hence my post. Would it be worth trying with the router disconnected from the upc cable?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 388 ✭✭alanbk

    I'd say that the routers firewall is blocking you or the windows firewall. Turn off both and use the free version of and you should have no problem. A big thanks BTW to OP and other boardies on this find. Really pleased with the result and the UPC speed is awesome.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,582 ✭✭✭docentore

    Skittle wrote: »
    I did try to follow the first post and I couldn't get connected using the apps mentioned, hence my post. Would it be worth trying with the router disconnected from the upc cable?

    Make sure that you are using lan cable connected to your UPC box from your pc and check all settings mentioned before.

    I tried the method few times and it always worked for me, every time I was able to reset to factory settings by pressing reset for 30 seconds and apply the setting again

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,243 ✭✭✭DECEiFER

    I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner. It's just occurred to me that UPC is against bridge mode because once people use their own routers for everything including Wi-Fi, they will switch off the Wi-Fi on their UPC device to avoid excess interference and the like. Then their whole Wi-Free spin goes up in smoke. Chances are they've had this service in the pipeline for quite some time and allowing customers to use their own routers easily would turn the service into a joke. It's not exactly a ground-breaking offering anyways so it's half way toward being a joke as it is. It's pure marketing, is all. "Sign up with UPC today and get all these useless extras free as a valued *cough* UPC customer."

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,890 ✭✭✭cgarvey

    DECEiFER wrote: »
    Then their whole Wi-Free spin goes up in smoke.

    Off-topic, but I doubt the implementation will allow for customers controlling the "separate" network/SSID UPC will use for that purpose (save, turning off the hardware altogether).

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,243 ✭✭✭DECEiFER

    cgarvey wrote: »
    Off-topic, but I doubt the implementation will allow for customers controlling the "separate" network/SSID UPC will use for that purpose (save, turning off the hardware altogether).
    No but your modem's Wi-Fi radio needs to be switched on. The SSID you choose won't affect the "Horizon Wi-Free" SSID for everyone else, but turning off the radio will see it disappear from your end.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,243 ✭✭✭DECEiFER

    I probably shouldn't be sharing this since it's from a PM that I initiated today. The reply is just in and I think this could be a pretty compelling argument to support the theory that they're against it due to it impacting their shítty Wi-Free offering.
    UPC: Reps wrote:
    DECEiFER wrote:

    I've enabled the wireless on my Cisco EPC3925 but am not seeing any Wi-Free network apart from a neighbor's whose signal is very poor where I'm at. Do you need the Horizon box's modem for this to be enabled in your home?

    I normally don't use the 3925's wireless as it's in bridge mode and I use a better router for that side of things. I'm just curious, is all. It's still in bridge mode, just so you're aware, so if Wi-Free is supposed to work on any modem, would the 3925 need to be in router mode? I can't really be had making the switch for the sake of a hunch as it involves changing a bunch of network settings so I can hook up to it and switch it back to bridge mode, so if you could please let me know, that'd be appreciated.

    Hi DECEiFER,

    Wi-Free will not be available on a modem that's in bridge mode.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5 TommyGD

    My router is Thomson TWG870 from UPC.

    In the past I have FW 01.71 and use "Portbase PassThrough" option in Thomson so I have public IP on my second router Netgear.

    Now my router have FW 01.75 and "Portbase PassThrough" option has been blocked :mad: so I do not have public IP anymore on my second router Netgear.

    I tried this guide but I can't connect to my Thomson.
    My options are here: (6 photos).

    I do not have AntiVirus in my PC. Use only Windows Firewall (I disabled it in menu Start > services.msc). My PC is directly connected to Thomson by cable.

    But still can't connect to my router :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 73 ✭✭Asm

    Yeah I noticed my Thomson FW upgraded last night to 1.75. However, the Thomson remained in modem only mode. Did you download the net-snmp from the link in the first post?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5 TommyGD

    Yes. net-snmp is installed in c:\usr.
    Maybe UPC replace this ****ty Thomson to some Cisco?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,582 ✭✭✭docentore

    maybe try downloading some live linux distro, burn it on cd/create live usb stick and try method no3?

    Regarding Wi-free - one can always take out the mini pci-x wifi card like I did in my Thomson?

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