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Rental issue
04-04-10 8:44
8 995
Wrong contact number listed in ad?
08-04-10 10:15
11 1.8K
Payment methods for deposit at house auction
08-04-10 12:52
3 803
Steps involved? Bit lost!
08-04-10 13:16
2 632
No pay slips and want a mortgage
07-04-10 17:26
6 1.8K
Lone Parent Allowance
08-04-10 12:17
0 683
NAMA property for sale in Cork?
06-04-10 13:10
27 17.5K
Issues with landlord
29-03-10 15:01
8 1.8K
Should I sell or should I stick?
03-04-10 2:44
23 3.7K
House prices Rathmines
06-04-10 1:32
9 2.3K
Legal requirements when letting out your house ?
07-04-10 23:33
1 887
Mullingar Apartments All Sold! 12
30-03-10 12:29
58 7.3K
Asking price??? What is sale price!!!!
05-04-10 12:37
12 2.2K
[Report] Latest from
07-04-10 14:59
0 598
Anyone in Wexford/SE struggling to sell and having to commute to Dublin?
07-04-10 13:04
0 141
Has anyone ever used insurance?
07-04-10 2:17
5 3.2K
Interest Rate Remedy - 'with Side Effects'
06-04-10 11:21
3 850
Rent Allowance in Dublin 8
06-04-10 17:25
2 3.1K
What bills do you pay? (2010)
04-01-10 2:35
1 3.8K
Lease extension agreed - Where do we stand?
06-04-10 13:03
4 697
Rent Allowance , housemate on the dole ?
06-04-10 19:57
2 962
Seeking advise on estate agents for my house
06-04-10 18:22
0 412
We've hit bottom! 123
04-04-10 12:36
65 7K
Small farm sale
30-03-10 19:14
4 817
06-04-10 11:06
6 839
New tenants not paying rent/deposit
06-04-10 11:59
6 1.2K
Question about finance for buying a house
06-04-10 1:05
2 617
Temporary accommodation?
05-04-10 16:47
5 722
Mortgage Approval & General Advice 12
18-03-10 11:54
32 10.6K
Am I entitled....
05-04-10 15:22
2 679