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Anthropology, Sociology & Culture

Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Help with physical anthropology module?
23-10-11 23:11
6 1.1K
Ireland - a rational country today?
27-10-11 9:23
1 840
Phwoar Vs Pretty
04-06-11 11:39
16 3.9K
The Ice Man Cometh
18-10-11 17:02
4 1.1K
Sociology- methodological description for proposal?
20-10-11 15:29
3 737
How to do a thesis!
25-03-11 23:11
23 6.1K
Empty cottages
29-09-11 23:58
35 5.4K
What do you think happened to the Neanderthals?
28-08-11 18:47
32 7K
forensics courses
03-01-11 21:21
17 3.9K
your views on fasting?
30-08-11 3:32
7 1.5K
Ice Age
21-07-11 9:37
26 3.2K
People being/acting "Random"
07-07-11 14:22
5 2.3K
Bullies & building self-esteem
21-06-11 18:43
6 1.4K
Alzheimer's Outside the Developed World
01-07-11 18:44
1 890
07-07-11 14:10
15 2K
Incest taboo
05-01-11 22:54
14 11.4K
DCU MA in Sexuality Studies
19-07-11 14:22
1 838
College Culture
24-03-11 14:12
12 3K
Is culture becoming more generic?
28-08-10 9:59
19 5.2K
New study debunks Stephen Jay Gould's claim of racism on Morton's skulls says NYT
17-06-11 16:33
2 999
Social Dynamics
23-06-11 14:11
1 806
Celtic influence on Modern Irish culture?
22-04-11 17:11
23 5.8K
Blood of the travellers
25-05-11 10:32
25 6.3K
Stats on Irish in China
10-05-11 15:30
8 2.3K
The Native Peoples of Taiwan
20-03-11 22:29
4 1.6K
10-05-11 2:16
7 1.5K
men are predisposed to be providers
18-05-11 20:08
10 2.9K
Brian lenhin is DEAD
17-05-11 12:25
3 1.1K
What do Irish people think about their state?
10-05-11 19:54
1 917
Why are humans designed to run?
26-03-11 20:40
12 2.3K