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Retro games from the 20th century.

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Arcade stick for Mega Drive?
01-06-24 8:07
3 102
The best 16bit racing games?
31-05-24 21:21
43 922
Candy Cab from - what's your experience 1234
26-05-24 18:34
169 2.8K
RGB-PI rolling vertical screen
23-05-24 13:11
2 68
Star Trek The Next Generation Pinball - what do do?
23-05-24 10:55
11 421
X6 handheld?
20-05-24 19:38
4 131
Token to close in June
20-05-24 18:59
0 131
Horror/Survival/Generally scary or unsettling games recommendations.
19-05-24 22:32
6 171
Arcade Game old 1970-80
06-05-24 11:17
2 131
First time cabinet build
Answered ✓
31-03-24 21:53
8 262
Handheld Hijinx Vol 8 - The Saga Game Gear...
29-03-24 0:13
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The Nintendo Virtual Boy - Very Real Surgery
26-03-24 6:27
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Wrestling games
23-03-24 19:01
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All about the Vectrex 12...45
07-03-24 15:26
202 5.1K
Handheld Hijinks Vol 2 - Run DMG
02-03-24 20:35
29 311
Super Famicom - A Capacitance for Greatness
25-02-24 8:56
1 151
Amstrad GX4000 - Reproduction Carts
22-02-24 16:31
6 298
Ballpark values - Jaguar vs Dreamcast
20-02-24 13:51
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Retro Consoles & Wireless Controller Solutions
11-02-24 12:42
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Handheld Hijinks Vol 7 - The PC Engine GT
07-02-24 10:47
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Amstrad GX4000 - What Could Have Been? (A Janstrad Special)
13-01-24 20:28
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Atari 2600+
13-01-24 20:07
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Retro, remember this?
12-01-24 22:11
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Neo Geo CD - A Junk to Joy Adventure
05-01-24 6:50
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Championship Dreamers Thread II: Hyper Adverts Retro Gaming Edition!!! 12...45
04-01-24 12:56
212 4.1K
Merry Christmas, Ya Even Filthier Animals!
26-12-23 18:00
7 171
Arcade and Retro forum beers! (AKA the night of the scandalously drunk retro geeks) 12...135136
19-12-23 20:10
6.8K 322.2K
ZX Spectrum NEXT in the field 12
17-12-23 19:22
85 4.2K
Top 25 Games
16-12-23 13:28
36 901
Identify a SNES game
Answered ✓
28-11-23 13:57
15 272