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Retro games from the 20th century.

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Cheryl Ladd on ZX81
19-08-21 8:05
12 385
Repro or Genuine?
16-08-21 13:38
18 251
Are there any retro game stores left in Dublin?
28-07-21 14:24
7 202
PCB Board Repair
24-07-21 9:12
4 41
ZX Spectrum or Atari or Commodore
26-05-21 21:04
39 1.4K
Fixing an old SNES
21-06-21 10:13
34 999
help selecting a handheld console for makecode
26-06-21 16:40
2 112
ZX Spectrum, Atari, Commodore Emulators for Android
13-06-21 14:30
11 307 update - so long, Pacman
03-06-21 15:58
26 903
Prestel terminals - do you remember then + public domain photos
09-06-21 22:12
3 135
Old projection TV
05-02-21 12:01
10 660
Should Atari Jaguar remain as a poll option?
03-06-21 16:47
6 297
Commodore Amiga spaceship racing game
25-05-21 1:43
3 202
No sound on Nes Classic Mini
25-05-21 10:25
6 813
A&R Video Library :The Documentaries
07-05-20 9:57
24 1.2K
Retro game music covers 12...45
10-06-14 9:20
227 28.7K
Future rare/collectable game lookout thread 1234
25-04-21 15:46
152 11.1K
Handheld Hijinks Vol 1 - LLXL
06-03-21 16:40
38 1.4K
Closure of Digital Storefronts for PSP/Vita/PS3
20-04-21 11:21
33 1.2K
RetroPie, Galisteo's latest recalbox build or Rick Dangerous
30-03-21 19:48
0 180
Capcom Home Arcade
16-04-19 17:23
37 3K
Any suggestions for making a sound effects generator?
23-03-21 13:22
7 253
Anybody ever repaired big scratches on a screen lens (Lynx II)?
23-03-21 11:57
13 501
Jack Burton's adventures in Arcade restoring 123
11-10-19 13:36
111 4.2K
Darius Gaiden Laserdisc
30-01-21 22:57
14 527
Cabs I've sold
03-02-21 10:24
20 1K
Amiga CD32 and Terrible Fire not working
23-02-21 15:26
2 195
Flash cards / ODEs - what ya got?!
15-02-21 13:42
21 658
Colecovision Game
07-08-19 19:56
5 310
Trojan Midi Irish Arcade Cabinet
25-04-19 15:09
7 623