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Arts & Crafts

Traditional art (non-digital), decorative design and all hand crafted projects.
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Has anyone studied here IT Sligo? Please reply :)
22-02-12 23:48
4 775
Mod Podge
21-02-12 12:04
7 3.7K
Graphic Design courses in dublin...
23-10-10 22:47
2 1.2K
Where to sell jewellery online?
20-01-12 15:00
5 2.9K
craft fairs in Ireland...
22-04-09 13:24
21 16.4K
Portfolio Asssessment Interview LIT
13-02-12 11:35
2 623
I need some inspiration!
15-02-12 18:16
1 555
Quilting and Patchwork Supplies Dublin
08-02-12 12:17
7 3.5K
Help making a memory Box
10-02-12 13:38
2 834
Painting fimo
07-02-12 23:54
2 816
stencil advice please
11-02-12 16:30
1 1.1K
DMC threads in Dublin
09-02-12 20:36
7 2.9K
Sewing machine advice
25-11-11 21:23
6 3.6K
Scrapbook needed
15-12-11 13:55
4 1.8K
Overlocker Question
03-02-12 16:58
4 1.8K
Tom Nisbet
09-02-12 21:13
0 706
Life Model
27-09-11 19:06
1 801
What model is this Brother sewing machine?
09-02-12 15:35
0 688
SY sewing machine
05-02-12 16:43
1 1.4K
Teaching Arts / Crafts to children - Ideas !
05-02-12 19:47
6 1.3K
[HOW] Photo on candle.. please help!!
30-01-12 15:23
1 1K
Clay & Plaster search...
01-02-12 9:17
1 861
Plaster in Dublin?
02-02-12 12:54
1 564
Square mosaic tiles in Dublin
06-02-12 18:49
0 867
Card Making Workshops
06-02-12 16:49
0 10
Casting sand?
15-11-09 19:03
3 2.2K
Help urgently needed. Sewing machine for sewing LEATHER needed. must be heavy duty.
02-02-12 12:32
1 903
Crochet in Dublin
29-01-12 22:20
2 1.4K
awaiting a letter from NCAD for CORE year starting sept 2011?? :O 123
23-02-11 13:41
128 28K
Chalkboard Hire
03-02-12 15:02
0 894