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Arts & Crafts

Traditional art (non-digital), decorative design and all hand crafted projects.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
What type of Artist am I ?
12-12-11 20:25
8 964
Metal star suitable for engraving
14-12-11 13:10
0 347
Craft Fairs 2011
14-12-11 11:17
0 786
Tufting gun repair
12-12-11 16:14
0 451
Tapestry frames
09-12-11 15:37
4 1K
Wedding Invites
09-12-11 11:31
2 651
Mosaic supplies for a beginner
19-11-11 20:58
8 956
Quick sewing question please!
06-12-11 9:01
7 961
Where to buy snaps for crackers?
01-12-11 13:45
4 3.9K
Help with a word to describe
01-12-11 20:39
6 953
300gsm A2 card in Galway?
02-12-11 15:24
4 1.1K
thinking about buying lidl graphics tablet...
06-12-11 17:15
1 1.4K
Sewing/craft group in Cork
26-07-11 16:54
7 2.2K
Card Making?
01-08-11 19:31
5 1.2K
Fragrance or perfume manufacturer details
04-12-11 22:10
1 723
Any idea where to sell card-making equipment
08-11-11 22:29
13 1.7K
Anyone know where to get free scraps of wood?
04-12-11 8:32
2 1.9K
ideas for a junior budding artist
01-12-11 23:46
1 530
Cross stitch workshop/classes in Cork
01-12-11 14:20
0 452
Sheldon and Penny in My Painting
01-12-11 7:40
0 906
Need a rubber compund person. Business proposal.
01-12-11 1:07
0 448
Copper Sheet Material Supplier.
20-03-10 10:22
16 17.3K
Card Display, Sandwich Board etc needed for POP UP SHOP
30-11-11 12:47
0 374
Promoting Your Art Offline
15-11-11 0:27
2 522
Marquee Printing or silk screening?
29-11-11 15:01
1 461
Polycarbonate Chocolate Moulds
24-08-10 10:26
2 3.3K
Left Handed Scissors
26-11-11 0:28
5 1.6K
help needed with arty x mas gift!!
24-11-11 15:23
3 2.3K
Advice Please
28-11-11 14:51
2 361
Stain on 30 year old hand knitted christening gown
02-11-11 11:57
8 1.4K