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Arts & Crafts

Traditional art (non-digital), decorative design and all hand crafted projects.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Calligraphy - History of writing
03-03-10 2:04
0 623
Making a mold from Air Dried Clay
01-03-10 16:49
2 2.4K
Handmade Floor Tiles needed
02-03-10 14:09
0 471
Motivation and Inspiration
16-02-10 17:53
6 1.1K
Summer course on portfolio preparation
28-02-10 19:56
2 1.2K
Fabric pen for Christmas stocking
23-02-10 20:39
2 706
Bespoke Tailoring
12-02-10 12:18
3 916
Fasinator/Hair comb piece! Help!
11-02-10 16:03
8 1.5K
Post-it Art - Positive Post-its Project...
12-02-10 16:26
5 1.6K
Sewing / soft furnishing's / craft courses in tubbercurry.
25-02-10 20:38
0 472
Large felt sheets?
23-02-10 12:14
2 1.1K
pottery wheel or kiln
08-02-10 23:00
2 1.2K
Private dressmaking/pattern drafting tuition
25-02-10 0:20
0 745
celtic artist into logos, knots and wording
24-02-10 19:30
0 421
Natural filler for cushions
24-02-10 14:53
1 444
Pottery Classes
27-01-10 20:33
1 476
Wanted - a painting studio for a few hours a week
23-02-10 10:20
0 375
Orange Blossom scented oil
13-02-10 14:37
3 1.1K
I Demand Political Reform!/ Making a placard
22-02-10 23:20
0 120
Gallery space available to rent
22-02-10 15:21
0 719
Creative People Wanted!
20-02-10 20:42
3 1.3K
Dressmaking Courses In Galway
14-05-09 10:32
12 6.9K
Looking for very easy baby patterns- knitting
10-02-10 13:58
5 3.1K
Art Exhibition stands
17-02-10 21:59
3 1.7K
Cheap dress form?
07-02-10 14:34
5 2.6K
Can any one advise please
05-02-10 11:46
2 496
Photo album services?
13-02-10 13:35
1 439
Mahogany veneer and card table hinges
12-02-10 11:17
0 566
07-02-10 22:18
3 616
I need your opinion please...
11-02-10 16:48
1 454