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Arts & Crafts

Traditional art (non-digital), decorative design and all hand crafted projects.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
anyone do this course ?
29-12-09 16:56
1 514
screen printing kits - advice requested
11-11-09 11:23
4 966
Advice on altering a neckline
05-11-09 21:32
4 724
Screen printing gradients?
15-10-08 11:27
5 2K
Spray painting ceramics
05-12-09 23:23
1 587
Cardboard suppliers
07-12-09 16:06
1 1.8K
Need a frame - suggestions please!
14-12-09 10:42
3 598
"Wreck This Journal"
22-12-09 18:09
1 695
Paint for tee shirts
28-12-09 18:07
0 401
Portfolio Course in January
27-12-09 20:40
0 425
artist spaces/studios to rent
10-01-06 23:08
34 24.5K
Space to teach art classes...
18-12-09 10:23
5 1.2K
Knitting Machine
19-12-09 17:01
0 667
sewing patterns for barbie clothes?
18-12-09 23:18
0 841
where to buy a rocking chair?
03-11-09 10:46
4 835
17-12-09 19:40
1 540
Magnetic Whiteboard
11-12-09 14:20
7 2.7K
Leopard Print stickers?
15-12-09 21:02
0 419
industrial embroidery machine
19-10-09 12:58
1 639
learning to draw
15-12-09 14:47
0 526
Mosaic tiles in Dublin
12-12-09 23:49
3 3.4K
Silversmith / Silverwork course?
14-12-09 1:55
1 832
Working with flowers
14-12-09 10:46
0 411
Kilkenny Design Workshops
11-09-09 11:28
5 1.3K
Glassblowing class
09-12-09 9:32
0 1.5K
Space needed in Dublin city for teaching art classes.
08-12-09 12:14
4 871
Laser cutting perspex and wood in Dublin?
07-12-09 19:00
2 3.8K
Sewing Lessons
08-12-09 12:18
0 411
06-12-09 22:28
1 1.1K
Life Drawing in Westmeath?
07-12-09 16:36
0 473