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Photographic art, equipment and advice.

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Cameras & Accessories

Discussion of Cameras, Lenses, Photographic Accessories & Gear.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Theres no money in photography
06-09-23 14:55
37 2.6K
People's Photography
15-08-23 8:58
0 61
Printing (from iPhone via Windows) geolocation, date, time & photographer name on batches of photos
31-07-23 18:35
2 51
Elinchrom repairs (Dublin)
29-07-23 15:36
0 21
Acrylic Frames
11-07-23 6:40
10 1.6K
POTW 663: 11/2/23 - 17/2/23
05-07-23 12:00
2 101
Can't get damaged lens filter off
04-07-23 19:59
3 91
Random Film Photography thread 12...1112
01-07-23 20:10
600 40.8K
Dpreview closing down.
22-06-23 15:50
4 211
Make Black and white gritty
22-06-23 15:48
0 21
Camera Gear Insurance Recommendations
25-05-23 18:42
3 71
paper used my image without my permission.
24-05-23 12:55
2 281
POTW 670: 1/4/23 - 7/4/23
16-05-23 12:40
1 41
POTW 671: 8/4/23 - 14/4/23
16-05-23 12:37
1 51
unprocessed film through airport xray security?
03-05-23 14:18
21 4.1K
POTW 669: 25/3/23 - 31/3/23
02-05-23 16:45
1 31
POTW 664: 18/2/23 - 24/2/23
22-04-23 18:26
1 71
POTW 668: 18/3/23 - 24/3/23
21-04-23 8:02
0 31
POTW 667: 11/3/23 - 17/3/23
18-04-23 18:46
1 41
POTW 665: 25/2/23 - 3/3/23
13-04-23 11:08
1 61
POTW 659: 14/1/23 - 20/1/23
11-04-23 14:03
1 51
POTW 661: 28/1/23 - 3/2/23
11-04-23 13:24
1 51
POTW 660: 21/1/23 - 27/1/23
11-04-23 12:58
2 41
POTW 666: 4/3/23 - 10/3/23
11-04-23 9:24
0 31
POTW 662: 4/2/23 - 10/2/23
11-04-23 9:15
0 21
FineArt Inkjet Printers Online Service
13-03-23 10:38
0 21
Looking for assistant/sidekick.
10-03-23 20:45
3 181
Photo -> Digital?
24-02-23 7:54
8 172
help photo shine
24-02-23 4:32
7 171
POTW 657: 31/12/22 - 6/1/23
15-02-23 16:19
1 61