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Photographic art, equipment and advice.

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Cameras & Accessories

Discussion of Cameras, Lenses, Photographic Accessories & Gear.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Kit for Wedding Photo / Video
11-05-15 19:14
1 695
opinions please
01-08-15 14:34
6 982
How many iphone photos can be recovered?
06-08-15 11:19
4 746
LR desktop promtional code; anyone have one?
27-07-15 15:55
7 849
Canon 24-70. f2.8 II I've just bit the bullet
23-06-15 16:28
23 2.7K
Removing pen marks form a photo?
20-07-15 13:53
14 1.1K
John Grant, Galway Arts Festival
31-07-15 11:11
3 835
Photo Challenge 161: LOOKING DOWN
19-07-15 19:33
18 2.9K
Questions re indoor shots
25-01-15 13:45
19 2.9K
02-08-15 9:07
1 407
POTW 265: 13/6/15 - 19/6/15
19-07-15 18:19
4 1.1K
POTW 266: 20/6/15 - 26/6/15
25-07-15 16:39
2 822
Image quality checking software
22-07-15 10:21
3 802
Canon 400D Software Disks
28-07-15 9:30
20 1.1K
Print from old slides
27-07-15 15:00
10 707
East coast locations?
25-07-15 18:47
2 626
Touch up photo request
26-07-15 22:47
4 656
Project: The Monks of Bolton Abbey...
16-07-15 19:46
16 1.8K
DLight studio Open Gallery
26-07-15 14:50
0 576
Uploading old photos
24-07-15 21:09
2 573
Lightroom - need help with catalogies and collections etc
25-07-15 12:20
3 516
Found photographers property in Thurles
25-07-15 21:36
1 584
Is it pornographic?
10-07-15 22:09
34 5.5K
C&C Request - Photo of Dun Laoghaire
21-07-15 14:28
5 725
Bray Airshow
19-07-15 9:18
1 720
Now Ye're Talking - to the PhotoIreland Festival Director
20-07-15 18:47
1 630
POTW 264: 6/6/15 - 12/6/15
12-07-15 20:47
7 1.1K
Photo Challenge 160: Non "mainstream" sport
05-07-15 18:26
13 2.5K
taking photo's on a cloudy day
06-07-15 21:05
20 2.2K
Help recreating a shot?
18-06-15 14:35
9 1.2K