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Astronomy, Space & Astrophotography

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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
How does the moon's orientation change through the phases?
06-03-23 11:00
3 114
Any Astronomy Group / Star Parties in Dublin/Kildare/Wicklow?
03-03-23 11:54
2 44
The 'Green' Comet ZTF - have you seen it?
10-02-23 22:23
6 241
50th anniversary of the Apollo 1 fire 27th January 1967
27-01-23 20:06
15 980
50th Anniversary of Apollo 17
09-01-23 12:25
2 41
Orbit the sun
06-01-23 23:39
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NASA's ROAD BACK TO THE MOON - Very Big rocket Launch - 2nd Sept 18:48 12
11-12-22 17:45
60 1.2K
Sierra space and Dream chaser. Has anyone being following its progress?
04-12-22 0:10
0 21
Bright colourful (Planet?) spotted last night. Can someone help identify?
08-11-22 10:06
1 101
New Crater on Mars
05-11-22 23:25
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Deimos passing in front of Jupiter and its Galilean moons
03-11-22 8:28
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How DST actually works
28-10-22 9:50
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Galileo's Pamphlet
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Mercury comes into view
06-10-22 8:05
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Moving light in sky
03-10-22 13:44
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HST Still Has What it Takes!
29-09-22 22:07
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Astronomical considerations
17-09-22 14:48
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Russia Will Restart Moon Landings, Says Putin
29-08-22 23:39
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Perseids 2022
12-08-22 20:05
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hello astronomy lover
07-08-22 22:01
2 81
"Blue Moon" 31/7/2015
12-06-22 14:04
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Hayabusa2 mission reaches Ryugu 280m KM away
10-06-22 9:29
1 189
Astro modified DSLR
04-06-22 9:05
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UAP Alert!
29-05-22 19:56
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Mercury passing between slower Earth and central Sun
27-05-22 4:03
1 91
Lunar eclipse 16-May-2022
16-05-22 14:30
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50th anniversary of Apollo 16
21-04-22 20:30
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what to look for at the moment
20-04-22 15:22
1 31
20-04-22 15:21
0 1
Get your Ass to Uranus
20-04-22 13:45
0 11