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Audio-Video Editing & Film Production

Dealing with video creation, editing and audio file manipulation.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
student production, need equipment advice
12-02-10 21:31
3 884
Looking for scripts.
22-02-10 15:45
6 1.3K
Indy Wrestling Video Compilation - CLASH
11-03-10 21:38
0 6
.....Making an interactive film and need your help....
11-03-10 9:22
0 509
Cheap blank DVDs with custom printing: Any ideas?
02-03-10 23:15
2 815
Music Video Night - Le Cirk, Dublin March 6th
02-03-10 15:31
1 680
What cameras do you use?
08-03-10 8:47
5 613
Magpie Project (series) needs your help
09-03-10 2:03
0 649
Thoughts on setting up a post production house
03-03-10 15:50
5 1.2K
Question about Adobe Soundbooth CS4
08-03-10 22:18
0 514
Sexy Road Safety Film
17-02-10 11:44
3 1.3K
Soundstages in Ireland?
07-03-10 23:36
2 538
Video camera - Flycam rig
06-03-10 13:36
3 1.2K
Helmet cam recommendations
16-02-10 21:55
7 1.8K
Apple laptop for audio and video editing
05-03-10 12:26
7 1.2K
Vancouver film industry
04-03-10 18:54
0 468
I need to convert 16mm film to DVD
25-02-10 13:45
8 1.8K
Looking for feedback on this short video
02-02-10 18:49
5 1.2K
Need to get 8mm Cine Film Developed
01-03-10 21:04
3 1K
Looking for a S/H sony DCR PC9E??
02-03-10 14:16
1 555
24-02-10 7:36
1 705
extras needed for RTE arts film
20-02-10 13:13
2 944
Cracking the Industry
02-01-10 23:55
4 938
Video to DVD
21-02-10 18:49
4 1.6K
Actors and Actresses needed - Short film by award winning director
10-02-10 11:20
4 947
ACTORS NEEDED -Apply Within -
22-02-10 15:16
1 848
Tell tale signs of Amateurs?
25-02-10 20:03
5 834
Audio Cassette to CD
25-02-10 23:50
3 1.1K
Soundman wanted for short film
26-02-10 15:13
0 528
Recording Multiple USB Cameras
25-02-10 14:14
0 447