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Venues around Dublin that require powerful amps
27-03-19 16:09
0 397
Open Mic Nights Dublin
16-08-18 15:02
4 744
Club Cabbage!
24-01-19 9:28
2 447
Support Band Wanted - Whelans Upstairs, Sat. March 16th
25-02-19 10:58
1 469
dealing with reccord fright
16-01-19 16:22
4 923
Plugged in open mic nights Dublin
06-01-19 20:50
1 513
Loads of musicians wanted for prog rock / classical band
13-02-19 13:12
0 419
Using Bass Drum Pad for Acoustic gigs
07-11-18 9:52
2 990
Trombone lessons
28-01-19 11:32
0 291
Club Cabbage looking bands/artists Tralee.
16-01-19 7:47
0 426
Pr companies
26-11-18 14:19
0 324
Guitar Lessons Wanted For Intermediate player
21-11-18 0:48
0 314
Agent wanted
12-11-18 12:10
0 291
Open mic in Limerick 2018?
30-08-18 15:34
3 426
Wedding band
30-10-18 21:58
2 543
Band Manager Wanted
20-08-18 16:47
1 519
Room to hire for solo recording in Dublin?
12-10-18 14:21
0 332
Advice Please
07-10-18 14:13
0 288
Best Electric Guitar for a Beginner this Xmas?
11-12-17 10:37
7 699
Stomp/drum box pedal
26-09-18 10:56
0 210
Power supply for Midas F-32
01-08-18 15:55
2 303
Songbook app
12-09-18 15:38
0 230
Drummer Available For Wedding/Covers Band - Meath Area
11-09-18 20:09
0 250
Rock singing lessons (Dublin)
01-08-17 18:11
4 1.1K
Ambient/Post Rock band
03-07-08 12:42
4 953
20-06-10 21:32
3 557
instrumental/ post rock
26-06-08 11:47
4 628
post-rock... anyone?
10-05-10 20:22
11 1.1K
Post Rock?
05-06-08 13:51
4 630
Post-Rock / Post-Metal guitarist wanted! (Dublin)
23-03-11 14:58
6 1.3K