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Early Christmas Present for Irish Band
08-12-17 13:44
2 417
06-12-17 11:37
0 397
City Centre Rehearsal space available to share
27-11-17 15:46
0 409
Bands: 24hr fulltime rehearsal spaces in the city.
07-11-17 16:44
1 573
Rehearsal space available in D6
15-11-17 9:29
2 482
Looking for a monthly rent place to set up my own studio
06-05-17 19:53
7 1.6K
Rehearsal room required for 3 days in Nov.
12-10-17 16:46
3 654
Flute / Voice Teacher
07-11-17 13:33
0 436
Best guitar pedal tech person to fix a couple of pedals
27-10-17 11:52
0 487
Ukulele Busking Advice!
24-10-17 19:08
0 544
Rent/Borrow a banjo
23-10-17 11:53
0 517
What to do next?
11-09-17 23:19
1 832
PR advice
16-10-17 19:23
1 562
Good band/play on in Dublin tonight - any recommendations- Thks
12-10-17 11:30
1 489
Looking to identify an old band - probably late showband era.
29-09-17 20:29
0 585
Celeste Kellogg
22-09-17 11:04
0 560
Guitarist - Tuam area
04-08-10 22:56
3 1.2K
BIMM graduate- singer available for origonal band
15-09-17 14:21
0 627
my creation of the soul
09-09-17 21:40
0 643
Female Singer/Lyricist Wanted
08-09-17 22:51
0 638
Cheak This out on free Dance Tonight By leo ireland famous song
08-09-17 0:17
0 645
Where can I find other musicians in Galway?
04-09-17 19:43
6 993
Drum Kit Grade Examinations Dublin
06-09-17 11:51
0 674
Stage Backdrops
02-10-07 8:48
32 6.9K
Advice on PA for Church Ceremonies
05-08-17 11:57
3 809
dynacord powermax five opinions!!!!
04-04-10 19:22
4 2.9K
dodie clark tickets wanted
09-08-17 9:11
0 586
Music Promo Video
20-07-17 15:27
4 809
Music promo video - Work with TV and Film students.
05-10-11 14:20
4 1.3K
Gig Promoters in Ireland
31-10-13 9:53
2 1.6K