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Bank of Ireland

Customer service queries for day-to-day banking
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Banking 365 transfers not going through
31-12-21 22:02
1 64
[General Query] Dissapointed with online options
31-12-21 10:50
4 232
New savings account
31-12-21 10:44
1 72
Live chat gone?
31-12-21 10:39
3 102
Need for BSU 3.1 Form for Joint Accounts?
30-12-21 17:06
3 28
Wages not in yet
30-12-21 10:46
1 102
Statement showing cheque lodgement in closed account
30-12-21 10:16
1 51
Mortgage Saver Account
29-12-21 15:12
1 42
Account application: Address "doesn't match"
29-12-21 15:10
1 74
possible to get an appointment to open a bank account? anywhere in dublin is fine
27-12-21 10:31
2 136
Why is latest version of smartphone app approval so tortuous?
27-12-21 10:25
1 101
Up to Date Statement Christmas Request
21-12-21 9:57
1 31
Loan approval wait times
18-12-21 9:56
3 102
CTO meaning
18-12-21 9:50
1 114
Money insights?
17-12-21 12:37
1 45
Not getting messages to my security device and
17-12-21 11:57
1 51
Credit card
16-12-21 15:47
2 85
Bank statements for a closed account
15-12-21 15:52
2 62
Suspicious Activity
15-12-21 15:26
1 103
Old card number
14-12-21 17:03
1 53
What App and How to autorise online payments using my Visa Debit
14-12-21 13:26
1 41
App doesn't work on my phone
11-12-21 13:22
3 84
Activating contact number
10-12-21 13:56
1 32
Application for savings account for an existing current account holder
07-12-21 15:44
1 43
Woefully slow NI to UK bank transfer
07-12-21 12:10
17 149
Bank draft query
07-12-21 11:38
1 25
Unable to approve online transactions via BOI app 12
07-12-21 11:33
35 5.8K
Merged: Paypal app
07-12-21 9:54
0 1
Henry Dummer sending me email
04-12-21 13:56
8 233
Closing an Account
03-12-21 19:15
2 51