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Bank of Ireland

Customer service queries for day-to-day banking
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
[General Query] Another BoI online banking fail
21-06-21 16:47
1 98
[General Query] General query
21-06-21 16:14
1 51
[Technical] Re error getting into app
21-06-21 12:09
1 54
[General Query] Inaccurate info on website re credit card help
19-06-21 8:17
3 168
[Technical] Current Account Unavailable
11-06-21 8:07
6 289
[Account Issue] Account restricted text
21-05-21 10:48
6 339
[General Query] Loan Approval Process
24-07-20 23:12
12 620
[General Query] Loan Account - Up to date statement
17-06-21 11:52
3 101
[Account Issue] Switching primary cardholder on credit card
14-06-21 17:12
9 268
[General Query] SMS all day fr things I did not use my account to buy.
16-06-21 17:58
5 179
[Technical] Stupid unfit for purpose app 12
08-06-21 9:28
32 1.6K
[General Query] Bank Account for teenager
17-06-21 6:45
2 141
[General Query] Mortgage Saver?
16-06-21 14:48
1 80
[Account Issue] Withdrawing from MortgageSaver Account
14-06-21 13:21
4 148
[Mortgage] Can you get a loan while on Mat leave?
15-06-21 15:01
1 85
[General Query] How can I get a receipt of a SEPA payment made online
30-10-13 12:15
8 7.8K
[Billing / Payment] International transfer from branch.
14-06-21 14:27
1 58
[General Query] EU Resident Opening Bank Account (under 18 y/o)
14-06-21 10:50
1 51
[General Query] Credit Cards to Thailand
14-06-21 9:46
1 100
[Billing / Payment] Moved to Mexico for work, credit card has been blocked.
14-06-21 0:14
1 199
[Account Issue] New bank account
12-06-21 7:25
2 131
[Billing / Payment] Unable to access 365 online statements today
05-06-21 17:34
12 442
[Account Issue] mobile number check
12-06-21 7:14
2 123
[Account Issue] GoalSaver account application
11-06-21 13:31
1 52
[General Query] Large international transfer
10-06-21 21:15
1 121
[General Query] Bank of Ireland acquiring KBC - will it include current accounts?
05-06-21 0:17
3 290
[Technical] Apple Pay 12
25-11-17 13:51
52 9.6K
[Account Issue] Credit Check Letter
09-06-21 11:02
1 120
[Technical] Exporting Transactions
22-04-21 21:56
7 234
[General Query] New 365 online profile
04-06-21 18:29
8 225