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Banking & Insurance & Pensions

Discuss banks, insurance and pension schemes. Not to be used for giving financial advice.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Car Insurance dispute.
09-05-12 21:35
9 734
Can someone withdraw from Credit union in my name?
09-05-12 16:53
5 3.3K
Credit card payment protector
09-05-12 23:16
1 329
Plans for NIB become clearer(?)
10-05-12 9:07
4 630
the o2 money card
09-05-12 19:08
7 916
If I Hand Back The Keys of My Home I Will Lose My Job
08-05-12 16:08
17 3.1K
Did you know what an Outpatient Excess on your health insurance REALLY means?
09-05-12 17:02
10 3.2K
Credit Card with benefits ??
27-04-12 15:55
8 839
Self build mortgage
09-05-12 11:47
6 2.1K
Bank Draft query
09-05-12 11:51
3 712
QFA exams (APA investments)
06-05-12 17:44
8 6.7K
Life Cover not with bank
08-05-12 12:11
13 1.8K
Pension lawyer
28-11-11 16:03
5 687
paying extra off mortgage
09-05-12 14:37
1 649
Are pensions such a good idea? 12
20-03-12 21:15
39 5K
Free bankIng
05-05-12 16:35
6 1K
Opening Bank account with AIB
08-05-12 15:25
2 1.1K
08-05-12 15:42
3 836
VISA "Get There Faster" Promotion
20-04-12 14:53
1 814
Car Insurance Renewal
08-05-12 9:38
13 3K
Home Contents Insurance
07-05-12 12:05
1 422
Credit Union loan advanced payments
08-05-12 10:27
2 384
commercial insurance v agri insurance
07-05-12 21:36
3 551
Car insurance question
06-05-12 19:29
5 562
Mortgage Arrears
06-05-12 17:34
21 2.4K
Post Office or Bank
07-05-12 8:28
8 1K
Reissue AIB ATM card?
03-05-11 13:20
3 1.3K
Changing my address
03-05-12 11:06
4 699
health insurance problem
04-05-12 23:48
6 924
Personal Insolvency Agency
06-05-12 16:55
1 600