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Battlefield games.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
New [G.F.F] ranked server.
21-09-05 7:17
16 797
What server everyone play at? 12
20-09-05 14:15
72 1.6K
CD has a crack.. ands its getting bigger!
19-09-05 18:06
2 309
BF2 Guide/Manual
19-09-05 16:17
1 301
BF2 Controller?
19-09-05 9:05
4 378
Trouble with Pilots
19-09-05 7:52
12 647
New Irish Battlefield 2 Ranked Server
17-09-05 19:25
15 741
Battlefield 2 RANKED Server
16-09-05 1:39
7 486
just got it
15-09-05 9:08
5 340
Dodgy graphics
14-09-05 11:12
20 571
The most exalted BF2 servers in the world...
13-09-05 7:12
9 536
How to get 63 single player bots?
13-09-05 6:51
5 478
wierd happenings
12-09-05 11:30
20 903
BF2, bots on a LAN game?
12-09-05 8:55
7 645
I wonder if this guy plays BF2
11-09-05 17:11
8 464
People punishing for claymore TKs
11-09-05 1:08
13 533
Strange Disease - Pilotus Avoidus
10-09-05 22:24
8 471
Graphics/Performance Lag/Faulting
10-09-05 22:22
1 336
Gattling gun ? when i was playing just appearing in my hand ?
09-09-05 19:22
4 376
Bored of BF2 :(
09-09-05 10:40
29 875
Stats for round lost when disconnected?
09-09-05 9:33
2 583
battlefield 2 crashes
07-09-05 18:15
12 856
And then the hammer fell.....
07-09-05 11:56
9 661
Anyone know any good daytime servers?
06-09-05 23:12
5 390
The many downfalls
03-09-05 15:18
15 803
Failed to install bf2,start again from....
01-09-05 17:14
8 401
Battlefield 2: Special Forces
31-08-05 18:13
18 770
merc for hire
30-08-05 11:49
5 476
The moonwalker/zombie effect
30-08-05 9:40
5 393
Another Irish Ranked?
29-08-05 0:32
10 572