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Battlefield games.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Any tips for a fighter pilot...
12-08-05 10:34
35 1.4K
Battlefield 2 Mods
11-08-05 17:03
1 327
11-08-05 8:53
15 816
Problems Connecting to Servers
10-08-05 21:53
1 358
AA Missles
09-08-05 17:18
6 442
Stats gone haywire again...
09-08-05 13:24
2 359
BFV-cant join any servers
09-08-05 9:42
4 430
Next Promotion...
09-08-05 8:00
13 777
=|GFH| ***Recruitment*** BF2
08-08-05 14:44
10 478
BF2 newbie servers ?
08-08-05 9:38
10 641
BF2 mod tools beta released
07-08-05 21:31
5 374
[BTC] 32p Server . Ranked
07-08-05 12:32
24 860
TiG server review
07-08-05 11:26
4 471
07-08-05 10:39
1 286
Mouse freezing after i join multiplayer
07-08-05 9:43
2 351
the best trick there is to boost your stats
07-08-05 0:34
7 496
BF2 mod tutorials
06-08-05 22:16
0 330
very useful bit of info
05-08-05 20:31
3 436
05-08-05 17:05
5 414
Team Switching Muppetry?!?!?!?
05-08-05 16:17
20 793
BF2 newbie tips
05-08-05 15:31
22 874
Stats borked
05-08-05 14:48
13 766
Cannot install Hotfix - Help!
04-08-05 23:19
6 549
Pissed off
04-08-05 16:24
46 1.5K
04-08-05 13:23
9 557
Want do you want the new patch to address most?
04-08-05 13:12
31 882
Blowing up UAV and Radar and getting flamed for it...
04-08-05 12:25
22 849
Changing nicks
04-08-05 12:19
7 552
Team Killing Muppets...
04-08-05 9:57
24 1.1K
how the hell do i uninstall ?
03-08-05 15:32
9 484