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Building Energy Rating
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Low-E coating detector recommendations?
26-12-16 19:07
8 869
New build insulation
10-01-17 22:11
3 847
NDBER derelict building
10-01-17 18:12
1 510
BER reassessment for SEAI grant?
09-01-17 12:04
2 547
Commercial BER - Nursing Home Extension
05-01-17 18:10
3 486
Selling House
18-12-16 15:19
1 590
Who to get to improve BER
01-12-16 23:01
3 907
Attic insulation Metac v Knauf Earthwool
29-11-16 19:01
0 481
Grant for boiler and heating controls upgrade. Fair price??
02-11-16 9:52
2 929
Retrofit Energy Ireland Limited (REIL)?
18-05-16 8:20
3 2.6K
Cold extension - where to start?
20-10-16 11:16
0 585
Non domestic Level 3, 4, 5
18-10-16 22:43
1 542
Home Energy Grant - Find Out Year House Built
09-09-16 10:03
2 524
07-01-16 0:26
13 2.2K
NBER upload problem
31-03-16 15:01
3 590
Recommend a BER assessor in Galway
08-10-13 10:39
25 7.4K
Stupid BER question
18-05-16 10:38
2 532
SEAI Grant
25-06-12 13:40
6 2.8K
01-05-16 16:11
4 437
Ber galway
28-01-16 23:57
1 466
what system for small hotel?
07-04-16 12:47
5 540
CSO Stats
14-03-16 21:13
0 280
Lost BER Cert
09-03-16 18:29
8 5.1K
New house heating system options
14-05-15 15:48
12 3.7K
Renewable heat
16-02-16 22:09
5 854
BER or general energy audit?
30-12-15 14:37
6 1.1K
Part L Compliance
14-10-15 16:25
5 1.6K
Becoming a part time BER assessor
07-02-16 20:59
3 2.1K
BER Exemption
14-01-16 17:27
3 686
new electricity and CO2 converiosn factors in DEAP
07-01-16 17:02
8 862