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Broadcasting History

History of broadcasting in Ireland and abroad.
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Radio Éireann Year Books
27-03-08 0:42
1 998
Can Someone Help - Old Aviation Footage
13-01-06 22:18
3 1.9K
Donnybrook Channel C
22-07-07 21:21
1 1.3K
RTÉ Radio Cork
08-05-07 8:51
18 4.5K
RTÉ Colour Tests
10-01-06 23:42
45 9.5K
RTÉ in the UK in 1983?
15-01-07 13:54
16 2.7K
Will English televisions work in Ireland
24-01-07 14:52
5 2K
16-03-06 0:06
13 2.7K
RTÉ Television on the Radio
15-01-06 23:44
21 3.5K
1980s Germany lifting from 1960s Ireland
25-07-06 5:26
1 1.3K
09-05-06 15:18
7 1.5K
The Troubles and the media up Norn.
19-04-06 22:13
5 1.6K
1" Video Tape
24-04-06 15:13
1 1.2K
Ulster TV strike (late 1980's)
03-02-06 12:42
5 2.2K
The dawn of television in Ireland
10-01-06 23:00
39 7.6K
1st Post :D
10-01-06 10:39
10 1.6K