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Building Regulations & Legislation

Discussion of all aspects of building regs - past, present and future
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Shared Drive, Query
14-08-17 13:23
5 452
Archaeological Advice
14-08-17 13:12
0 327
PP for mobile home temporary
13-08-17 11:19
6 555
barn conversion
19-05-16 20:01
6 703
Privacy from overlooking window
22-05-17 14:19
20 7.6K
Velux Window at front of house
13-08-17 22:47
4 505
Airbnb...log cabin?
07-08-17 13:50
2 597
Planning Permission
07-08-17 13:48
3 707
Planning Expired
03-08-17 14:42
6 490
Planning size and eventual size
01-08-17 14:47
4 508
30-07-17 12:45
2 384
Help to buy scheme and BCAR
26-07-17 21:28
1 447
Yikes! Load falls from Crane
26-07-17 20:55
1 552
Airtight Paint
26-07-17 9:45
1 525
siting of Oil Tank
25-07-17 15:03
5 497
Building / planning
23-07-17 19:25
4 518
Garden shed
11-07-17 18:42
4 876
Structural Engineer in Sligo area - Recommendations
21-07-17 7:56
1 338
Refused planning
18-07-17 7:27
4 827
Soil Stack Vent Position
20-07-17 12:58
6 2.2K
planning permission on a derelict?????
15-07-17 9:47
1 602
Applying for planning for Exercise Room on GAA grounds - Do i need Assigned certifier
18-07-17 12:59
4 354
boundary fencing between houses
17-07-17 19:05
2 585
Planning Permission for Clay Pigeon Range
16-07-17 9:53
1 343
Wanted.. Looking for property to buy.. Lock up garage unit site back gardan
14-07-17 9:25
1 381
Floor Insulation question
14-07-17 17:12
1 442
failed percolation test
13-07-17 23:32
3 671
building a garage
07-07-17 9:40
15 2.4K
Airtightness and Part L
19-12-16 14:59
9 1.3K
Builder Changed Stone Mason
29-06-17 7:02
7 964