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Cable & MMDS & IPTV

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Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
17-01-21 20:02
1 281
Virgin Media Accounts Department..working or not?
18-01-21 18:00
1 162
netflix on panasonic tv
13-01-21 13:55
0 124
Rte player APK filelinked
12-01-21 0:23
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Virgin Media EPG
06-01-21 11:45
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Need help connecting VM 360 box
05-01-21 21:04
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Now tv problem with cinema pass
06-01-21 0:09
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Getting Irish channels
30-11-20 6:40
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Upgrading Eir with ApleTV
31-12-20 15:22
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NOW TV issue
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New setup advice
26-12-20 22:24
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Apple TV Eir TV, cant record anything
22-11-19 14:59
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Broadband speeds buffering
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Iptv playback error
12-12-20 14:08
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Virgin Media contract up
11-12-20 1:39
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Amazon Prime TV Location Issue
08-12-20 19:37
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Connect Virgin 360 to Plex
05-12-20 18:55
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Virgin Media have No HD Boxes
03-12-20 9:29
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Virgin TV Anywhere app issue?
29-11-20 13:30
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Sky sports on Virgin media sub
30-11-20 10:43
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Accessible tv remote advice
29-11-20 12:00
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Is S4C available in Ireland on Virgin media?
28-11-20 14:04
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Virgin Horizon box
10-11-20 22:24
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Horizon box and sonos
27-11-20 9:25
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Build for kodi 18.9 Leia
21-11-20 21:29
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Espn access Ireland?
25-11-20 20:41
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Harmony Hub with Virgin 360 minibox
01-11-20 12:10
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Amazon firestick location issue!!
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IPTV as alternative to wired tv
22-11-20 21:28
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Now tv and Firestick
18-11-20 20:20
0 194