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Cameras & Accessories

Discussion of Cameras, Lenses, Photographic Accessories & Gear.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Comprssion Software
12-04-07 15:35
1 428
Could anyone help me? Photoshop guru's
11-04-07 15:30
4 575
Adding motion in photos
05-04-07 15:10
4 580
flash question
30-03-07 18:38
2 461
RAW?? canon Powershot
07-03-07 20:41
8 698
Creating Panoramas
27-03-07 11:48
4 576
Colour management - profiles and printing
13-03-07 17:01
6 715
quick question
07-03-07 19:13
3 520
Resizing an image in photoshop for printing
08-03-07 21:39
3 600
Good tutorial on Layers
07-03-07 11:39
0 509
Gradient Mask
05-03-07 21:50
4 554
Change Background...
05-03-07 10:53
3 627
Digital camera lens smudge ??
12-02-07 13:40
7 1.5K
Anyone get any pictures of the Moon
04-03-07 9:01
1 583
Digital Camcorder Movie to Still Images
13-02-07 20:21
5 616
I had a 'duh!' moment...
02-03-07 17:26
2 561
how do you sharpen in ps
06-02-07 18:14
11 912
Recovering deleted images
26-02-07 12:08
1 515
Printing too dark
27-02-07 19:03
5 574
HDR question
12-02-07 20:19
12 977
converting to b/w
26-02-07 11:05
9 803
Can anyone help me with this photo?
21-02-07 10:09
4 645
Multiple framed action shots into one image
03-02-07 22:43
9 2.2K
Best cloning practice when using layers?
02-01-07 14:31
8 720
flare removal
11-02-07 21:59
6 562
Orton Imagery - A "How to" guide for Photographers
12-01-07 12:26
16 2.1K
Techniques for straightening
26-01-07 18:34
9 829
Importing fonts into PS
05-02-07 18:39
3 592
Rotating photos
24-01-07 22:02
3 659
How to use a polarizer in difficult conditions
19-01-07 12:28
12 868