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Graphic novels, single comic book issues, online comics.

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what comics do wish you'd never read?
06-10-07 15:10
3 617
ROM Spaceknight - Call for Artists
06-10-07 23:41
0 525
[REQ] Looking for a picture of shredder.
04-10-07 15:30
4 622
that "Global" Manga rant
20-09-07 8:27
2 520
Original Art: Malefic Malfoy, a Harry Potter fan comic
03-10-07 8:59
0 473
31-07-07 11:01
25 1.7K
Marvel Civil war Collections
30-09-07 23:36
1 524
Following on from Sub-Con
30-09-07 11:54
0 446
Ultimate Marvel Continuity
29-09-07 18:49
3 639
Racism on front page of Shoot Magazine?
29-09-07 17:21
1 510
(Half) Irish comic coming out in November!
17-08-07 20:07
7 985
Simon Bisley & John McCrae Added To Dublin City Comic Con Line Up.
27-09-07 0:17
7 766
Atomic Rocket Group 66 Out Now!
23-09-07 13:19
10 1.1K
In Search of Moebius tonight (Sunday)
23-09-07 17:29
2 695
In Search Of Steve Ditko
12-09-07 20:37
10 838
spiderman to have sex and download porn...
23-08-07 9:28
24 2.1K
Lobster Johnson : The Iron Prometheus
19-09-07 21:32
3 620
drawing for newspapers
19-09-07 22:14
3 537
World War Hulk - is it worth getting?
30-08-07 16:02
8 849
John Byrne speaks sense SHOCK!
18-09-07 13:59
6 623
Iron Man Movie
10-05-07 12:41
26 1.6K
Upcoming Irish comics events
04-09-07 10:54
2 568
New comic store
01-09-07 23:45
1 571
whats the name of that cartoon......?
23-08-07 20:43
5 639
YAC: 52 comic challenges
25-08-07 20:58
1 510
Caption '07
15-08-07 15:36
2 459
Mike Wieringo dead
13-08-07 17:24
3 414
ROK comics competition
15-08-07 16:54
0 356
Graphic Short Story Competition
14-07-07 8:18
3 608
Comic con/festival master[ish] list
13-08-07 16:51
0 462