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Coming Home

For those who have been living abroad and are now either considering coming home or in the process of coming home
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Coming Home Forum Charter
13-01-16 %k:51
0 803
Advice On Applying For Residency in Ireland, for a Disabled US citizen.
12-12-24 %k:54
2 141
Family 5 moving home to Ireland from USA 12
08-09-24 %k:54
54 4.3K
Buying a display kitchen
22-03-24 %k:09
0 41
Coming back to IRELAND from Gulf
31-05-23 %k:01
0 61
Moving companies UK to Ireland
25-01-23 %k:46
1 41
Anyone care to share experiences, costings and recommendations Moving from USA to irel
Answered ✓
18-01-23 %k:12
3 91
How much money does a family of 5 need in Dublin?
07-01-23 %k:06
18 1.4K
Move from UK to Ireland
28-09-22 %k:48
1 101
Moving back to Ireland
27-09-22 %k:00
0 61
Returning to Ireland after 19 years - Stressed and Worried
05-09-22 %k:41
1 271
Moving back to Ireland from UK
20-05-22 %k:36
0 71
Bringing Nanny to Ireland
16-05-22 %k:22
20 2.6K
Would you?
29-01-22 %k:28
0 51
Moving to spain and working for an Irish company
23-10-21 %k:15
34 2.7K
Coming home? Are you thinking about it? 12...1011
31-05-15 %k:21
526 70.5K
Just returned to Ireland after 16 years...cost of living questions
26-07-20 %k:34
3 648
Considering moving our family home to Ireland from Korea.
01-04-20 %k:53
1 319
I need help not paying $10,000 to ship all our wordly belongings home :)
01-12-15 %k:14
26 5.6K
Irish Visa advice
28-07-19 %k:10
2 427
Moving home with my Thai wife and Thai born daughter
18-11-19 %k:35
0 300
Renting Out Current Home in Canada
21-10-19 %k:43
0 228
Moving from UK to Ireland - suggest moving company
08-10-19 %k:13
1 299
Job hunting in Ireland from abroad
27-09-15 %k:09
13 2.7K
Moving back home with young kids
31-12-16 %k:37
2 1.2K
Moving home from London to Kilkenny, Ireland
26-12-18 %k:14
2 826
Did you live in Australia? Would you return if you could?
09-01-19 %k:58
5 1.2K
Honourary Irish Citizenship
30-12-18 %k:03
0 384
Returning home and getting a mortgage
30-12-18 %k:04
2 754
Taking a vacuum cleaner home
23-06-18 %k:58
2 531
Dubai Terminal 3 Lounge Options
25-06-18 %k:07
5 459