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Console Modding

Modification and Repair of Computer Gaming Consoles.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Dual Nand
19-09-12 14:14
3 360
PS2 Phat Softmod
16-09-12 18:01
30 2.4K
Changing a controller
08-09-12 22:32
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Restoring modded PS3 but want to keep save games
08-09-12 13:55
0 324
best discs for Xbox 360 homebrew
08-09-12 9:48
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Cod WaW modded gamesave Q
05-09-12 18:46
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3ds question
04-09-12 16:05
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Problematic Zephyr Glitch
13-05-12 17:21
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Fixing the Ps2 laser?
16-08-12 17:52
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seting up for first flash!
25-08-12 15:27
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Mega Drive 60hz Mod
24-08-12 10:00
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r4 help
06-08-12 11:53
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How to mod a Wii Ver. 4.3E - Letterbomb option gone.
06-08-12 15:45
15 6.3K
07-08-12 14:29
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So you want to glitch your Xbox 360? 12
13-11-11 21:21
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Flash dvd drive in star wars limited edition
08-08-12 22:05
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X360USB Pro V2
03-08-12 23:23
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softmod wii
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what are these like
04-08-12 3:12
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Playstation 3 soldering
02-08-12 15:35
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selling ylod ps3
10-07-12 17:43
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Internet connection sharing on XBOX360 via PS3/Wii?
30-07-12 11:06
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Plug and Play Sega Mefa Drive .... can it be modded?
29-07-12 2:49
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So I got a bit bored today
16-06-12 19:03
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Bricked WII
11-07-12 0:05
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r4i advance trouble
16-07-12 17:00
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NTSC Gamecube Region Mod
03-07-12 19:28
3 1.7K
DSi XL, what can I do with it?
10-07-12 17:38
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Coolrunner rev. C and QSB install
31-05-12 16:43
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Xbox Custom idea's
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