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Console Modding

Modification and Repair of Computer Gaming Consoles.
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Xbox 360 HDMI on TV with no HDMI
21-11-15 %k:40
2 628
Any downside to jailbreak a PS3
30-10-15 %k:30
5 1.2K
PS3 (fat) YLOD
13-11-15 %k:13
5 745
Ps3 Jailbreak
15-11-15 %k:59
2 792
29-07-15 %k:56
8 1.7K
Looking for an e3 flasher pls.
30-10-15 %k:45
0 609
Failed original Xbox harddrive--Eeprom reader
16-02-15 %k:39
3 1.6K
PS3 jailbreak
13-10-15 %k:53
4 1.5K
Xbox 360 - drive stuck
14-10-15 %k:28
5 606
rgh tools?
06-10-15 %k:17
3 1K
04-09-15 %k:33
1 831
Xbox 360 Slim red light of death (rlod)!!!
06-09-15 %k:10
2 1.5K
System Link on RGH
22-08-15 %k:49
9 1.5K
Wii file browser/manager?
10-08-15 %k:45
1 1.2K
20-07-15 %k:51
5 1.3K
Good solder for rgh
29-07-15 %k:52
0 615
PS4 Jail Break
06-07-15 %k:22
3 1.5K
Xbox 360 RGH in Co.Cork
06-07-15 %k:59
0 732
Removing Custom Firmware PSP
29-06-15 %k:06
0 815
PS3 D-pad
13-06-15 %k:09
3 1.3K
Xbox 360 Xkey installation
20-11-13 %k:12
6 1.7K
360 Flashing - Some Questions
02-06-15 %k:51
1 817
Looking for someone to load emulators on a soft modded xbox
05-04-15 %k:09
4 1.6K
Hitachi GDR 3120L needed (360 Phat)
25-05-15 %k:19
7 919
Original Xbox Hdd install, little advice please....
04-03-15 %k:26
18 2.1K
Best controller for Wii U for emulators
27-05-15 %k:06
0 701
26-05-15 %k:21
0 582
Taking apart and selling a PS3 for parts.
19-04-15 %k:39
2 2.3K
So you want to JTAG your xbox360? (POST 248 FOR xeBuild/16197 TUT) 12...56
31-10-10 %k:55
298 67.9K
xbox 360 slim lazer
19-03-15 %k:08
24 1.7K