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Console Modding

Modification and Repair of Computer Gaming Consoles.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Xbox 360 Mod Chip or flash DVD
31-12-09 12:24
1 740
Noob question - will wii fit plus menu update break modded console?
29-12-09 17:25
7 1.5K
softmod wii Advice
18-06-09 19:27
18 3K
dreamcast modding
29-12-09 22:42
19 1.7K
Quick Xbox360 Drive Change Question
28-12-09 18:59
4 492
Firmware for NDS I R4.
27-12-09 23:56
2 556
Unbanning x360 HDD
13-12-09 18:43
9 1.2K
A very simple DS Card question for you !
01-12-09 10:45
17 2K
Checking when last update was performed? (xbox)
18-12-09 2:25
0 484
Santa is in a flap
17-12-09 10:24
1 536
second hand ps2 worth 20 euro?
16-12-09 23:15
4 828
data tranfer kit issue (fake )
17-12-09 1:01
1 538
Kreon .81 CD DRIVE ?
15-12-09 18:37
8 830
DS Card/Acekard needed for immediate delivery - where?
16-12-09 10:41
3 680
Modding the Wii v4.2e
07-10-09 23:15
15 3.4K
Software for DSTT?
13-12-09 1:44
4 729
Can any Xbox 360 be flashed?
13-12-09 22:27
3 798
Young fella wants his PSP chipped
12-12-09 20:54
3 640
Is it possible to remove mods done to my xbox?
10-12-09 3:12
1 590
allowed to sell my xbox xbmc here ?
09-12-09 21:54
3 630
FMCB or Swapmagic for PS2?
06-12-09 15:37
11 1.6K
PS2 Resource site? (PS2-Newz and PS2-Ownz have become PS3 orientated)
05-12-09 1:19
5 1.3K
help with ps2 modding
05-12-09 20:28
3 493
Xbox 360 Homebrew!
05-12-09 13:57
3 615
Ultimate XBMC machine (not really, but have a look)
25-11-09 17:48
8 1.2K
Using wii to watch avis off usb stick but what about ext hard disk?
27-11-09 21:11
2 832
xbox 360 modding, please simplify
03-12-09 16:15
1 520
Wii vs western digital media player
03-12-09 0:37
1 555
Xbox 360 HDD uncrippling Service?
02-12-09 10:45
1 1.2K
Messiah 3 Mod-Chip for PS2
01-12-09 3:46
11 1.2K