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Console Modding

Modification and Repair of Computer Gaming Consoles.
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questions on unlocked pcb for 16D4S drives?
07-09-13 22:27
2 450
PS3 Downgrade Dublin
07-09-13 13:26
0 594
ps3 problems
28-06-13 0:34
2 625
Can a HDD from one soft modded original xbox be used on another that was bricked ?
27-08-13 12:10
4 1K
Thoughts on repair costs
30-03-13 23:05
12 1.1K
Update modded xbox 360
20-08-13 16:20
1 774
Soft modded Wii no longer recognises HDD
22-08-13 22:36
7 860
How to softmod your Xbox and install XBMC for free 12...2122
23-08-13 23:17
1.1K 294.4K
What to do with a PSP with a scratched screen?
15-08-13 18:20
2 515
Jtag Kernel Update, the old way, one final time...
13-08-13 19:17
5 1.9K
Random Modding Thoughts... 12...1314
25-10-10 18:24
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Upgrading Internal Drive (PS3) - Will it work?
09-08-13 18:39
3 741
Clone a modded HDD origional Xbox
05-06-13 11:31
6 1.7K
Original modded Xbox - Disk "unknown" problems.
26-07-13 16:10
2 744
R4 update problem?
03-08-13 9:52
1 472
3DS Beyond Repair?
05-08-13 10:14
2 430
Modding Megadrive to 60Hz + NTSC colour
22-07-13 18:59
2 1K
ps3 want to play an american br disc.
21-07-13 20:11
1 368
Soft Modding a PSP
02-07-13 12:32
15 1.1K
modding/chipping a PS2 to play Jap/US games...
15-07-13 14:45
7 771
PS3 jailbreaking 4.46
14-07-13 23:47
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benq liteon drive
07-07-13 23:24
6 538
PS3 60GB - Need advice
30-06-13 3:14
14 990
how to put liteon dvd key onto new liton drivee
24-06-13 18:47
5 660
Is it worth modding the ps3
24-06-13 14:06
2 863
ps3 firmware 4.20 back to 3.55
03-10-12 16:01
18 3.5K
A brand new mod...
13-06-13 13:42
2 698
Flashcard Discussion - All R4/DS etc posts Go Here
20-05-13 16:44
14 1.7K
Wii usb loader problems
05-06-13 2:41
1 577
case for gc for normal size dvds?
12-05-13 18:20
5 728