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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
construction cost projections
12-12-22 11:34
5 683
Planning permission for same house-again?
11-12-22 18:36
2 222
Planning permission for campervan on own land
10-12-22 12:00
1 154
permission to destroy a wall inside my home?
09-12-22 22:18
3 341
Lighting Consultant/Designer - is it worth getting one?
09-12-22 7:50
8 265
Renovation & Extension (we have planning) - Where to start?
08-12-22 12:27
3 274
Moisture lining under house damaged
08-12-22 6:55
2 151
Insulated Plasterboard Version
06-12-22 17:55
9 274
Do I need to build exactly to planning permission
05-12-22 10:56
10 1.1K
Recycling Sun Room
04-12-22 22:21
10 231
Vechile ramp onto footpath
04-12-22 21:16
1 81
Spray Foam Insulation - Attic
04-12-22 10:23
0 91
Apartment Heating - Electric Storage Jnits
03-12-22 23:14
6 303
External Bathroom Ventilation
03-12-22 10:17
2 143
Green roof type
02-12-22 17:50
2 92
Old flooring, asbestos?
02-12-22 15:01
1 61
Skip permits
02-12-22 8:13
0 61
Is it possible to completely hide an RSJ beam ?
01-12-22 16:30
17 861
Insulated plasterboard
01-12-22 10:05
34 1.9K
Thermal looping in gables
01-12-22 2:23
6 231
Quick query regarding construction
30-11-22 22:16
4 201
Pipes and Extension Advice Please
30-11-22 9:49
1 101
External insulation and ventilation upgrades
26-11-22 12:15
17 564
Options for extension
26-11-22 11:33
5 254
Renovating a stone walled house
24-11-22 12:03
23 1.5K
What has happened this brickwork ?
24-11-22 9:25
3 321
Attic insulation - cold bridge
22-11-22 21:53
4 355
Can something leak out through exterior wall...
22-11-22 21:04
5 281
Old cottage with septic tank
22-11-22 17:49
0 81
Snag List-New Build
21-11-22 20:09
11 435