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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Is this possible?
30-01-21 7:36
11 879
Getting cabling from outside into new build
31-01-21 16:21
4 283
Insulation of timber raised floor
30-01-21 22:34
16 659
Insulate a floor in old house - raised floor boards
13-11-09 16:48
9 3.7K
Has anyone used click-type Vinyl flooring (6.5mm) from Polyflor? Would really be grat
30-01-21 11:51
3 255
Room vent
28-01-21 16:26
14 531
Didn't airtight hollow-core slab
29-01-21 20:55
1 265
Accoya timber uvalue door
29-01-21 15:57
0 103
Irish Water Connection - Foul
16-01-21 19:42
14 541
Timber Frame Self Build
11-02-20 17:35
10 1.4K
Pipe to water main
28-01-21 21:41
6 192
Effervescence caused by Condensation
27-01-21 22:11
12 371
Structural Engineer Fees
28-01-21 12:21
13 1.9K
How to value a site?
28-01-21 15:23
1 178
Cavity wall pumped insulation
27-11-20 8:56
15 4.9K
Insulation - Opinions
26-01-21 10:24
7 355
Grout Sealer
08-01-21 8:05
3 236
Another garden room thread - block or timber?
28-01-21 0:47
0 215
New-build house timing
27-01-21 10:27
1 320
Structual engineer Lucan area
27-01-21 8:39
2 95
Building a bungalow with attic extension in mind
26-01-21 15:46
15 569
Woodworm in attic
25-01-21 22:41
6 522
What can I do about a cold and draughty house?
21-01-21 21:05
26 2.5K
Architect Fees
25-01-21 22:33
0 193
Taking a year off work to self build
19-01-21 15:59
14 1.2K
Insulating flat concrete roof externally
25-01-21 16:59
1 140
Ways around Gazumping?
25-01-21 15:22
0 163
Modular Home - Big Red Barn
25-01-21 11:40
0 463
Install a toilet in an existing garden office
24-01-21 21:06
8 936
Another Steeltech question.
24-01-21 17:24
3 387