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Rip Off Ireland

How can consumers in Ireland avoid being ripped off with the current spate of euro price hikes?
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Liberty Get rich quick Scheme - Help???
21-03-06 14:45
15 850
ordered oil today
13-03-06 19:49
11 611
company didn't deliver
18-03-06 21:28
4 514
MBNA Credit Card payments
13-03-06 14:45
12 1.4K
19-03-06 18:37
4 530
ESB Monopoly ?
13-02-06 18:31
7 1.1K
16-02-06 16:56
8 881
Problem trying to get broadband
16-03-06 15:28
1 357
NTL lost my account
15-03-06 13:49
0 352
Smart Telecom Disconnect Charge
14-02-06 9:24
3 616
Problem with Sky Digital
06-03-06 20:20
5 480
Eircom + Morale
15-02-06 18:19
18 1.3K
Cashing a personal cheque.
12-03-06 16:23
1 460 trying to rip me off
14-03-06 14:58
0 630
Winters/Glasan Property Management Galway
03-03-06 22:08
3 2.3K
Mechanics - Can they legally do this?
08-03-06 14:39
3 519
03-03-06 22:13
3 566
13-03-06 2:20
2 883
Laser/Credit cards at the Tesco 'Self Service' checkouts
26-02-06 22:20
20 1.5K
Dell and their Irish prices.
09-03-06 21:12
1 446
Dead pixels in new TV
05-01-06 23:13
9 1.8K
Broken Swivel CHair
08-03-06 12:50
0 529
Unauthorized Transactions on Account?
07-03-06 13:02
0 648
falsely advertised car with garage
02-03-06 11:49
6 732
Store "Sale"
23-02-06 10:43
8 697
Credit card surcharge on travel after deposit paid
27-02-06 23:53
8 629
Little advice needed
27-02-06 20:23
3 452
receipt photocopied
16-02-06 12:50
15 1.2K
Entitlement to replacement of a faulty replacement product!
22-02-06 13:49
17 985
Information Sold to MBNA?
24-02-06 19:55
3 518