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Consumer Issues

Issues related to consumers buying and selling.

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Rip Off Ireland

How can consumers in Ireland avoid being ripped off with the current spate of euro price hikes?
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
McDonald's staff not wearing gloves when handling food? 123
24-08-19 23:33
128 13.6K
Can't seem to purchase lindor online for a reasonable price?
26-08-19 22:50
4 830
Anyone any experience with being scammed
17-08-19 21:41
3 979
Ryanair Dispute
18-08-19 15:15
4 763
Dyson Motorised Head
22-08-19 14:39
19 1.2K
Phone Watch
26-08-19 13:47
9 600
Faulty engagement ring
18-08-19 14:03
4 1.1K
An Post: Email "we missed your post" notification but no notice in letterbox
21-08-19 9:59
4 529
Amazon - Account Suspended
18-08-19 13:09
19 2.1K
D.I.D. price promise
03-08-19 14:40
46 5.8K
Skip company wont collect skip 12
16-08-19 18:44
75 10.5K
CEX not accepting DVD's without IFCO ratings
15-08-19 9:51
8 1K
'Worldwide Warranty'
16-08-19 15:47
1 243
Amendment of online order
14-08-19 12:08
6 429
Service Centre Damaged Car
09-08-19 16:31
7 997
Paying for an internet channel I can no longer watch
06-08-19 18:01
10 1.7K
Car insurance
09-08-19 22:49
3 601
Warranty Question
19-07-19 14:05
17 1.6K
Fuel Fluctuations?
06-08-19 22:26
9 868
Can you explain my bill? - Vodafone
06-08-19 12:58
6 525
Laptop repair, substandard item replaced
05-08-19 10:45
3 556
Bose earphones like for like replacement
06-08-19 13:58
1 289
Refused refund product not fit for use/dangerous
03-08-19 7:35
6 1.1K
Issue with Amazon return
03-08-19 12:51
4 580
ESB giving details to debt company
01-08-19 19:11
26 3.1K
Sports Direct Brand Restrictions
31-07-19 7:57
10 924
Vodafone Dispute?
31-07-19 18:25
7 593
Relative got scammed online - can they get their money back?
30-07-19 14:52
10 1.3K
Amazon & refusing delivery
26-07-19 17:07
38 3.8K
Consumer Rights: Maximum Repair Time?
29-07-19 8:36
4 433