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Cork City

The capital of the south.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
What happened to the playground in Ballincollig?
04-01-24 14:08
7 764
Dash cam installation
03-01-24 21:26
7 408
to the thief at douglas village shopping center
03-01-24 12:13
23 2.2K
What year did Flannerys open in Glasheen?
02-01-24 23:22
2 181
Dentist Recomendation
02-01-24 9:40
5 253
What was the building on Patrick Street before Abrakebabra
01-01-24 17:05
10 454
What year did Dunnes open in Bishopstown?
30-12-23 22:14
2 382
Quintessential Cork gift I could give to my housemates back in Dublin?
29-12-23 18:11
22 811
Where to find pharma production / process operator jobs in Cork? Pfizer, Boston etc etc.
24-12-23 16:46
5 393
Where to report faulty street lights?
24-12-23 0:15
8 391
3D printing in Cork?
23-12-23 5:48
0 41
Trains Boats and Planes Toy shop Princes Street
15-12-23 20:45
7 499
Poured mass concrete wall
14-12-23 22:33
2 161
Businesses/Shops closures & Job Losses in Cork city/suburbs
12-12-23 18:32
1 241
Trad sessions in Cork
08-12-23 7:17
3 101
Opticians in Cork City - recommendations please
06-12-23 0:44
44 15K
bathroom remodel
29-11-23 12:29
5 262
Brass Radiator bleed valves
22-11-23 2:32
3 111
Opinions on Grandon's Toyota
17-11-23 18:01
0 161
Tramore Valley Park 12...67
04-11-23 12:16
318 43.7K
New Flag American Football Team
02-11-23 8:41
2 189
Jazzing in Cork
01-11-23 9:49
6 441
Live At The Marquee 2024
31-10-23 13:59
6 681
Gyms in Cork – Recommendations?
31-10-23 13:30
3 412
Patrick street open in afternoon
31-10-23 9:43
10 1.4K
Yet another Pride event on Grand Parade this Saturday? 12
28-10-23 8:45
58 3.2K
Jazz festival activities during the day
25-10-23 15:07
0 41
Car Valet
25-10-23 11:26
0 31
Parking in Cork
23-10-23 12:38
2 271
Where is located City Slice PIZZA ?
22-10-23 16:14
8 361