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Creative Writing

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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Radio Comedy
15-09-20 11:50
0 115
Tell me a plot, I’ll sell you a story.
13-08-20 21:21
8 399
Short Movie (7 pages) Feedback please
16-01-20 10:25
7 495
if someone claims to recognise themselves in your novel
10-08-20 18:07
5 329
How to start selling a book - Where to start?
05-08-20 19:28
2 228
Am I going to be a poet 12
05-09-19 23:09
64 3.7K
23-07-20 11:42
6 279
Anyone not interested in being published?
23-07-20 10:12
2 258
Ever notice?
04-07-20 23:06
4 379
Something I couldn't control (poem)
17-01-20 19:55
4 479
Bag Baby Bang Bust
27-11-19 21:20
2 410
A lockdown lullaby
21-07-20 15:08
2 242
an idea.
07-01-20 2:08
3 736
are my poems any good or nah
31-12-19 5:28
5 562
Life after cinema (part 1)
23-01-20 15:31
3 330
A story dreampt up while waking the other morning
23-01-20 22:54
2 465
20-01-20 6:51
2 252
Publishing on KDP. Tax Interview Form
07-07-20 20:32
1 312
Louise O'Neill Irish examiner weekend section
19-04-20 0:36
1 473
Agent for children's book
25-03-20 15:18
0 186
Print small number of books
27-01-20 13:32
4 335
Short Story - I paid a man to kill my best friend
14-10-19 7:25
8 830
Poem - Living in Dublin
09-08-19 20:07
8 586
finally started writing down an idea...
11-11-19 21:58
4 415
A person who leaves a gathering without saying any farewell?
23-12-19 2:01
15 1.6K
Publishing query - sports non-fiction
07-07-17 16:40
11 1.2K
120 Pages=120 mins rule
27-11-19 9:55
3 326
NaNoWriMo 2019
14-09-19 15:56
6 594
Enquiring about opportunities for Writers in Ireland.
06-10-19 10:16
2 395
Next step?
26-10-19 18:06
0 178