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Cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, etc)

Discuss the ups-and-downs of Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Litecoin, and more; new coins and markets; and real life applications.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Experiences, good or bad with BOI and crypto?
17-07-21 19:23
1 41
AIB & Bitcoin Withdrawals
05-07-21 13:42
3 321
Do posters on here make provisions for sharing their keys?
04-07-21 12:52
6 321
Capital Gains tax-Crypto? 12...56
12-03-21 16:08
264 17.7K
Bitcoin Uses
29-06-21 14:35
4 226
Crypto mining cost/benefit?
07-04-21 7:39
9 723
Query - Prepaid Debit Cards for Buying Crypto's
30-06-21 14:24
0 28
Binance told to cease regulated activities
27-06-21 11:22
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The law & receiving crypto payments?
27-06-21 11:58
1 132
EX US Presidential candidate & cryptocurrency enthusiast dead
23-06-21 20:13
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iOS - Trust - Dapps - Debacle
23-06-21 17:01
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Is $whackd a proper crypto
24-06-21 6:26
1 226
2017 Tax seems impossible - advice please.
28-03-21 16:58
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opened a binance account this weekend
26-04-21 19:27
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Looking for a primer on Yield Farming
18-06-21 14:47
1 99
AMP: Bullish?
15-06-21 8:08
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Where to buy Nano Ledger Ireland.
08-06-21 6:42
12 866
Farming MATIC
08-06-21 5:33
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One4All used to purchase cryptocurrencies
16-06-21 19:32
4 769
Tax on Staking
14-06-21 15:37
2 207
Coinbase authenticator
12-06-21 8:03
1 125
Doge Disco - Dancing Dogeagotchi NFTs
11-06-21 14:24
0 70
How do I move money from my bank to coinbase?
06-06-21 19:48
1 196
Is there anywhere to "flag" a wallet address as dodgy?
31-05-21 19:54
30 1.1K
Will this help or damage bitcoin etc
26-05-21 6:31
15 1.2K
Opinions Zill or VeChain
31-05-21 14:55
6 464
12-04-21 0:08
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Mining For Beginners 1234
30-05-21 17:28
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Just bought 400 euro of bitcoin on binance but
29-05-21 0:10
12 1.1K
1000 euro 10 alt coins to pick
26-05-21 20:34
21 1.5K