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Dental Issues

Questions about dentistry, teeth and gums.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Recommendations for cheap dentists up north?
18-06-21 %k:52
0 81
17-06-21 %k:27
0 80
Fillings are not healing properly
15-06-21 %k:20
2 167
Words of encouragement
14-06-21 %k:05
0 87
Dentists Tullamore Medical card
10-06-21 %k:59
2 147
Cost To Replace A Crown
29-01-21 %k:48
14 1.3K
Inter Dental Brushing Issues
04-06-21 %k:27
0 121
Fixed retainer Vs 3d scan invisi style retainer
31-05-21 %k:38
0 115
Can you drink fizzy drinks with temporary filling?
27-05-21 %k:31
2 1.1K
Orthodontists in the north
15-08-19 %k:29
2 394
Teeth clean - extremely sensitive teeth
17-05-21 %k:49
1 195
Metal Bar V Permanent Retainers...
29-04-21 %k:07
1 195
Charcoal Toothpaste recommendations?
19-05-21 %k:53
0 88
Urgently need to fix teeth damaged during childhood abuse
13-05-21 %k:09
37 2.3K
Pain post extraction
12-05-21 %k:04
0 83
Havnt been in dentists in years....
08-05-21 %k:41
11 774
Smile Direct Club Opinions?
24-03-21 %k:58
4 519
Retainer replacement
08-05-21 %k:10
1 158
Claiming both from VHI and Laya dental
03-05-21 %k:21
5 411
Hygienist recommendation
28-04-21 %k:59
0 94
04-03-21 %k:22
20 2.3K
Pre molar root canal treatment
21-04-21 %k:20
5 337
Gum Disease lead to Extraction
24-04-21 %k:41
0 206
Replacing crown on implant?
17-04-21 %k:00
2 246
Implant specialists in Meath?
16-04-21 %k:06
1 371
Dentist for a child
29-03-21 %k:39
7 613
Root canal on 2nd molar/wisdom tooth
19-03-21 %k:02
14 809
Dental care with medical card
14-04-21 %k:46
1 160
30-03-21 %k:31
2 420
Dental Bridge cost
05-04-21 %k:25
5 353