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Dental Issues

Questions about dentistry, teeth and gums.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Ulcer and white spots on roof of mouth
15-07-22 %k:09
5 111
Throbbing nerve after extraction
12-07-22 %k:26
1 41
Dental Treatment as a Child in 1980's Ireland
04-07-22 %k:26
7 191
When is a crown really necessary?
03-07-22 %k:07
1 101
Pain after extraction
02-07-22 %k:32
6 211
Wisdom Tooth Removal - referral to oral surgeon
26-06-22 %k:58
10 967
Braces for Child
20-06-22 %k:36
11 361
Infection in gum between two back Molars (stubborn)?
20-06-22 %k:14
0 61
Dental implant capability
19-06-22 %k:47
6 824
Pediatric Dentist
07-06-22 %k:23
1 31
Second root canal vs extraction
02-06-22 %k:26
0 61
Is a genioplasty done by a jaw surgeon? Would insurance cover it?
30-05-22 %k:57
2 41
I have an overbite
30-05-22 %k:53
1 41
What else can I do to fix teeth appearance, particularly when talking, besides regular cleaning?
28-05-22 %k:04
0 131
Changing doctors
26-05-22 %k:19
3 81
Periodontist recommendation
23-05-22 %k:47
1 51
Pain 2 months after wisdom tooth extraction
23-05-22 %k:28
2 141
Recommendations for an orthodontist in Galway.
21-05-22 %k:41
6 896
Dentist Sending X-Rays to Another Dentist Question
19-05-22 %k:06
2 131
fixed implant solution
17-05-22 %k:09
5 271
Recommend a dental technician?
06-05-22 %k:56
0 41
How urgent is treatment? Root canal.
28-04-22 %k:41
3 191
Dentist won't help me.
27-04-22 %k:25
5 491
Is this anything to worry about
21-04-22 %k:36
0 71
Is my retainer just for cosmetic reasons?
20-04-22 %k:44
1 61
Turkey kusadasi
19-04-22 %k:34
0 61
16-04-22 %k:22
1 61
Dental prices v NI
12-04-22 %k:42
3 211
Do they sedate you for adult braces in Ireland?
11-04-22 %k:37
1 71
Is there a form of in-practice whitening that lasts more than 12 months?
21-03-22 %k:19
0 51