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Dental Issues

Questions about dentistry, teeth and gums.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Should I replace my veneers and whiten my teeth?
10-03-22 %k:00
1 231
Impacted Wisdom teeth removal
23-02-22 %k:31
4 191
Is it worth getting dental insurance? And which one?
22-02-22 %k:48
0 101
Discussion about Dentist for arresting cavities through nutrition(was posted as question by mistake)
19-02-22 %k:04
0 31
Dentist for arresting cavities through nutrition
19-02-22 %k:48
2 101
Botox TMJ
18-02-22 %k:34
10 1.2K
Why is my tooth surface uneven and have a slight chip?
15-02-22 %k:56
1 41
Dead front tooth . (RIP)- I need advice
30-01-22 %k:23
1 141
Veneers recommendation
21-01-22 %k:31
0 51
Physical casting/moulding of bite
19-01-22 %k:38
5 71
Cork Orthodontist Recomendation
19-01-22 %k:32
4 2.1K
Need advice on crack and chip
16-01-22 %k:30
1 51
New Dentist
13-01-22 %k:18
11 846
Extraction and risk of sinus perforation
08-01-22 %k:03
0 41
Help me find a dentist in dublin
06-01-22 %k:06
0 21
Can dental issues cause headaches?
04-01-22 %k:31
1 71
Pain query?
04-01-22 %k:52
1 61
Mouth guard covered under Revenue tax relief?
20-12-21 %k:05
9 1.4K
Emergency over Xmas, Where to go
20-12-21 %k:36
2 171
Metallic taste on tip of front tooth
16-12-21 %k:42
1 111
Treatment options and costs involved
14-12-21 %k:02
2 131
Zirkonia vs Titanium Crowns (I am really confused about implants)
08-12-21 %k:45
1 71
Gap between front teeth
07-12-21 %k:41
14 1K
Mercury is bad for the environment and your health - List of dentists in Ireland still using mercury
24-11-21 %k:29
6 391
Dry socket
24-11-21 %k:16
13 5.7K
Please help - severe pain for 2 months after deep filling
23-11-21 %k:43
0 121
Average filling cost these days?
23-11-21 %k:56
7 498
Perforated sinus post extraction- dentist or doctor?
15-11-21 %k:44
0 41
Orthodontist in Dublin
13-11-21 %k:17
0 31
Excellent Experience with Budapest Dentist 12...56
11-11-21 %k:59
253 58.6K