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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
The Grudge (2020)
12-12-19 20:17
6 624
X-Men: Dark Phoenix 1234
24-04-17 20:16
191 19.5K
Blood Father
08-07-16 8:24
12 1K
Dundee (2018)
19-01-18 19:42
31 2.3K
Does every movie seem to "flop" these days
03-03-20 9:03
38 2.2K
Total Recall 1990 12
10-03-20 12:04
61 3.6K
RIP Max von Sydow
09-03-20 12:11
13 636
Foxtrot Six (Action, Sci-Fi)
08-03-20 0:23
2 181
DIFF 2020
11-02-20 14:34
25 1.2K
06-03-20 9:23
5 124
Judge Dredd Movie 12...1920
06-03-20 1:00
990 104.6K
Is there an app for art house films?
05-03-20 19:35
6 166
Movie set in Afghanistan, title please
02-03-20 21:13
1 183
The 'What film was this quote from?' thread.
29-02-20 10:28
3 163
ODEON Cinemas
28-02-20 16:59
1 235
How come RTE would never play The Truman Show?
22-02-20 21:28
19 2.4K
Jojo Rabbit [Taika Waititi]
23-07-19 16:56
44 6.6K
Bombshell (Fox News Scandal)
21-08-19 16:51
13 1.3K
Venom 2
22-10-19 20:56
1 319
Warcraft: The Movie 1234
07-08-07 2:28
176 13.1K
Cineworld Unlimited Dublin, Promo Code 123
29-06-12 10:01
129 17.7K
Bad Boys for Life 12
10-05-18 12:50
55 4K
Vertical formatted movies
14-02-20 16:49
10 468
Marriage Story (Noah Baumbach - Netflix / cinema)
14-11-19 18:27
20 3.1K
Sorry We Missed You (Ken Loach)
30-10-19 22:17
9 685
Eden Lake
19-09-08 8:05
5 779
92nd Academy Awards (Oscars 2020) 1234
11-12-19 22:54
195 10.5K
Terry McMahon and John Connors are the two most underrated talents in Ireland
12-02-20 8:06
13 834
"A Mother Brings Her Son to be Shot" (2017) - where to get or watch this?
11-02-20 14:47
0 198
Resistance (Jesse Eisenberg, Ed Harris)
08-02-20 0:48
0 238