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Dressage, showjumping, eventing and showing.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
you perfect horse?
14-01-10 21:59
15 2K
Scary fields
09-10-17 9:43
0 481
21-09-17 22:19
2 569
Wanted: Grazing for rent in kildare/ meath
23-04-13 19:58
4 1.2K
Horse Share
15-09-17 12:20
0 42
Looking for a horse to lease/loan in co Louth or close?
15-09-17 12:20
0 136
06-09-17 21:16
3 753
D.I.Y livery in South Dublin
27-01-15 14:41
5 1.8K
Field Maintenance
07-09-17 13:49
2 522
Nations Cup relegation
26-08-17 18:38
3 606
European Champions 2017
25-08-17 21:24
2 431
What elements of country boots you look for?
17-08-17 8:08
1 488
Dublin Horse Show Student Ticket: ID check?
04-08-17 12:34
0 597
Rider Available
20-05-17 15:33
1 832
Things you didn't know you needed
18-03-17 23:40
17 1.8K
Emergency Aeromedica Services Family Day
19-07-17 18:38
0 505
Advice on Adult Lessons
03-04-17 11:47
15 1.5K
Highland View Lodge
02-06-17 11:05
4 938
An Open Letter to Parents of Equestrian Children
04-06-17 12:14
13 1.9K
Renting a field.
06-06-17 13:43
2 607
Abandoned horse - Ownership query
06-06-17 14:19
2 634
Find Connemara Ponies Registered name
06-06-17 11:15
2 532
Livery Kildare
07-06-17 13:29
0 621
Schoolmaster Lessons
21-05-17 18:53
3 584
Paddock Toppings
23-05-17 21:04
3 590
Riding equipment: where to buy?
20-05-17 16:46
1 563
Horse livery cost/recommendation Clonshire
13-05-17 20:24
4 909
Working livery North Cork/Limerick
13-05-17 20:29
0 508
Is now a bad time to Geld a colt?
06-05-17 21:01
2 570
Rapeseed in field
04-05-17 21:29
2 468