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Fitness Logs

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Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
5 a side football match for unfit / overweight players 12...45
05-06-13 19:44
134 9.6K
18-10-13 9:43
0 351
Workouts for skinny guy starting out.
16-10-13 14:23
3 506
Yoga/Pliates Video
16-10-13 20:57
3 412
Starting from scratch again 1234
03-01-13 12:29
101 8.7K squat at a time 123
22-01-13 13:09
86 9.5K
In soles elverys sports
07-09-13 13:58
1 694
Winter Fitness Routine
30-09-13 11:06
3 482
Orlaw3136 fitness log
18-09-13 21:18
0 310
Brain dump
14-08-13 17:28
13 1.6K
Pumping Iron
28-08-13 20:12
15 1.7K
From Zero to a Marathon
22-03-13 21:05
2 457
from Hermes to Poseidon in one year
30-08-13 15:15
3 595
Teds Operation get fit and lose belly.
28-01-11 12:05
6 1.2K
sick note from dentist??
01-09-13 16:37
1 745
login 12
07-02-13 22:04
37 3.5K
New insanity workout log
13-02-13 0:25
23 4.3K
badmingtonin cavan
15-08-13 15:01
0 256
Baldie's Little Black Book 12
28-10-08 13:09
33 2.2K
From sloth to strength
12-07-13 23:21
18 1.9K
This is it!!! 12...1314
22-09-11 14:03
391 26.5K
Operation swole as F*ck
26-07-13 14:59
10 1.2K
Kitchen chair
04-08-13 21:08
0 252
what the best shoes to buy for walking?
24-07-13 22:24
0 370
I want to build a yoke 123
11-04-13 13:26
64 6K
Does it make a difference?
23-07-13 3:56
4 511
Starting back at the gym.....AGAIN!!
04-07-13 17:05
8 1K
10k Pink Run - Best Training Strategy?
09-07-13 9:27
0 306
Injured achilles-how to keep fitness up?
07-07-13 23:17
0 242
Dublin Marathon
28-06-13 14:12
0 36