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Fitness Logs

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Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Spinning passes for leisureworld cork
25-11-12 19:08
0 277
Time to get my f'n ass in gear again!
03-11-12 17:40
7 857
'Don't break character...'
17-11-12 19:24
0 328
The Great Disappearing Baralis
20-07-12 4:26
22 1.8K
The journey to becoming a pro fighter
13-11-12 16:15
1 355
Is this a good routine?
03-11-12 15:52
0 335
Sore shins
01-11-12 1:17
4 514
building muscle
30-10-12 21:07
2 414
Christmas(2012) is coming
24-09-12 0:58
17 1.4K
Nige's Fitness Log
18-01-12 13:35
25 1.8K
After 1 year of dieting I am now doing Stronglifts 5X5 12...1314
30-08-10 21:54
409 40K
weight lifting
11-10-12 19:07
0 474
The truth! 12...2728
19-10-07 15:34
811 58.8K
X Trainer reccomendations
05-10-12 22:42
0 367
30, female, 12stone, advice NEEDED
30-09-12 20:45
2 601
On the Road To Victory!!
04-10-12 10:15
0 290
Seconds out, round two! 1234
28-02-12 9:19
98 6.6K
Achievable Target
02-10-12 23:07
0 278
Failure is motivation!
12-09-12 20:40
21 1K
Less of me
25-09-12 22:01
1 375
Sure, I didn't buy new runners for nothing!
11-09-12 20:45
7 648
Advice needed for 20 yr old woman looking for BIG results!
29-07-12 23:00
2 624
BroLo's Average Joe Log
10-09-12 14:34
5 709
fitness course
12-09-12 16:30
0 399
fitness course/personal trainer
12-09-12 16:25
0 382
Cheapish but good quality barbell, dumbbell , plates
10-09-12 14:48
0 369
Personal Trainer
05-09-12 23:15
2 1.5K
Is this workout good for a beginner?
05-09-12 17:54
0 318
My training log! 1234
21-09-11 14:04
106 7.8K