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Fitness Logs

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Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
New Year: Regain and Exceed Last Years Strength 12
07-01-12 15:32
60 4.4K
Returning to training
23-06-12 1:37
0 305
12-06-12 12:22
5 1.8K
EL's log.
18-06-12 0:18
2 429
Got myself a Sea kayak
17-06-12 9:51
0 303
The end.
02-06-12 0:36
20 1.6K
15-06-12 1:25
2 698
My no frills fitness journal! 123
13-01-12 16:57
73 6.7K
Where can I buy Tiger Balm in Dublin ?
28-05-12 0:28
2 2.3K
On A Highway To Hell
19-04-12 1:03
4 914
german volume training (10x10)
20-05-12 15:29
2 709
Bulking Fitness Log
14-05-12 12:56
1 376
Ironside from the beginning 1234
27-03-11 13:43
100 11.9K
Healthy and Strong 12...78
20-09-10 22:45
214 15.8K
running questions.
14-05-12 21:14
0 318
Too much healthy fats???? Cutting advice??
14-05-12 17:59
0 297
yoga training is best for fitness
12-05-12 13:53
0 523
Shut up and Squat! Mums can be strong too can't they? 12
14-09-11 13:14
37 3.9K
Jogging/Running my 1st race (10km) this sunday....advice please???
26-04-12 18:05
4 505
Get Fit, I'm Loving It
26-04-12 10:30
0 337
Carb your enthusiasm.
23-04-12 15:43
3 424
24-04-12 11:01
1 313
TurboFire fitness workout with team beachbody
13-04-12 17:12
4 1.2K
Excess ring.
22-04-12 9:11
0 357
Bring The Pain! 12...67
14-02-11 0:31
207 17.8K
my road to fitness 12...56
22-09-09 23:11
159 14.8K
Time to cop on!
15-04-12 23:30
0 268
Time to change!! 12
08-01-12 15:18
34 2.7K
Happiness is nearly always a rebound from hard work.
11-04-12 16:42
3 458
First Steps
28-03-12 22:25
14 914