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Fitness Logs

You must do fifty one press-ups before you enter this forum.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Don't let the coward in your head, control the badass in your heart 12...7576
28-05-10 22:21
2.3K 277.1K
Fitness and Stuff 12...45
29-10-15 16:16
129 8.8K
Training log 12...1213
26-06-11 16:11
367 29.8K
Fixing my back
01-03-16 11:26
26 2.1K
The BoomBoom Room 12...910
05-05-15 12:13
295 15.4K
Miss Piggys Battle for the Big Plates 12...9899
26-07-10 22:05
3K 275.3K
New Year, New Attempt
01-01-18 13:31
3 291
Strength.. with a dash of size. 12...45
14-02-15 20:04
131 12.7K
Countdown to first Comp 1234
18-07-17 10:12
119 2.6K
The Miseducation of Jimbo Slice 12...197198
23-05-07 20:21
5.9K 576K
3 Months, 3 Stone: Balls to the wall! 12...45
04-07-16 4:39
142 16.4K
Ups and downs and lots in between! 12...89
15-08-16 17:14
244 7.1K
Doing It Properly for Once 12
17-05-17 19:36
34 1.6K
Strong Curves Log 12...2122
03-11-14 10:49
660 36K
He bald, he fat, he looks closer to a heart attack
31-07-17 21:47
9 953
GVT for the past mid-30's kinda guy
11-07-17 14:01
15 967
Back in Control
14-07-17 12:22
1 510
From Boxer to Beefcake 12...56
06-01-17 11:22
161 5.1K
No carbs after 6. Trust me brah.
09-02-17 22:16
20 2.1K
Built like a Jackass 12
22-05-17 8:14
32 1.1K
Unlucky 13.
07-03-17 12:27
15 827
Training Courses - Fitness & Nutrition
14-06-17 14:15
0 2
Zero to Hero 123
05-01-17 22:58
86 3.1K
Finally off my arse 12
01-08-14 23:53
44 4.1K
Fit bit
01-02-17 1:35
0 569
If I don't update this please give out to me!
05-01-17 22:20
2 614
Avoiding Mediocrity
02-01-17 19:14
3 642
Junior Smolov Bench 12...45
04-12-14 21:30
122 13.5K
Back on Track.
30-12-16 23:40
2 493
No man can eat 50 eggs... 12...1516
22-04-14 15:42
465 36.6K