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Fitness Logs

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Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Time to stop the rott
03-08-09 11:37
8 531
Harder, better, faster, stronger 12
17-05-09 9:00
46 2.9K
My diet/exercise log
03-08-09 23:46
2 369
Lose 2 stone by September '09
20-03-09 8:48
16 1.4K
PunchyKicky 1234
13-02-09 18:06
117 5.7K
Never done this before...
13-07-09 21:49
17 1K
Time for drastic measures. . . .
05-05-09 0:34
8 718
The Ab Quest!
20-05-09 15:38
23 1.7K
Push it push it, watch me work it, im perfect
24-06-09 1:20
20 1.3K
A picture paints a thousand words, 12...67
09-03-08 23:38
200 19.9K
16 week abs challenge
21-07-09 0:12
4 754
* Standing up to the Squidgy-ness! *
13-07-09 17:11
20 1.6K
hard training and injuries
24-07-09 16:21
0 3
' my mission...i choose to accept'
17-07-09 19:54
12 687
I can and I will!
20-07-09 10:15
1 313
Help with exercise regime
21-07-09 10:49
0 333
20-07-09 23:21
0 367
Back Injury and Advice
20-07-09 12:00
0 17
Starting all over again 123
06-04-09 16:24
73 3.8K
Gym Routine.
13-07-09 22:31
0 0
A little bit of passion for everything... 12
01-05-09 12:39
49 2.2K
My first fitness log
09-07-09 19:38
2 318
Exercise Balls
07-07-09 18:34
0 266
Putting on weight
07-07-09 11:21
0 16
The Final Push 123
05-01-09 23:27
77 4.1K
Squats using Smith Machine
05-07-09 15:33
0 48
04-07-09 16:39
0 0
To leaner and beyond!
11-02-09 18:05
14 990
We're on the road again...
30-05-09 19:22
17 1K
Much Better
22-06-09 21:10
3 434