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Foreign Satellite

For discussion of foreign satellite TV and channels.
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Long cable run
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Where can I get a DiSEqC 1.0 switch ?
25-07-16 10:13
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Sky D turns Sky Sport News HD into FTA channel
13-07-16 10:07
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Dish Size increase when Multiswitch used
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Opticum 9600 TS HD
28-05-10 6:43
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beIN sport testing now on 7East & 10East 12
08-01-14 22:13
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Query about Italian FTA channels on Hotbird 13?
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vu+ duo 12...7273
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NC+ Card and Linux Receiver
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Getting premiership football on foreign satellite 12
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Hungarian tv from Intelsat 10-02
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South Africa Ireland
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NC box subscription card
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Openstore-Home for MyMetrix Skin OpenATV.
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Howto disable voice over on your box .
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gigablue hd 800 se plus
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Upgrading software on Triax Box - for satellite
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DM500c - Any Demand ??
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BeIn Sport Spain HD 19e
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Should I buy a TV box for my Smart TV?
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Replace SD with HD channels
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Solo2 & homeplugs - Help needed
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Russian TV dish size midlands
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Thinking of putting a motor on my dish...
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30w on a sly dish ??
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Live Boxing: Joshua v Martin.
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